Writers' First Review Draft: (2V80)
Term (2V81)
Context Description* (2V82)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2V83)
OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework Version 1.5 (2V84)
OMB Context Definition (2V85)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2V86)
Business Definition (2V87)
A complete description or a representation of the surroundings facts, events, beliefs, etc. of something (2V88)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2V89)
A Context-Based Awareness Mechanism for Cooperative Mobile Users - http://www-lsr.imag.fr/Les.Personnes/Manuele.Kirsch-Pinheiro/posterCoopIS04_VF.pdf < Dictionary.com - www.dictionary.com (2V8A)
Technical Definition (2V8B)
A complete description or a representation of the surroundings facts, events, beliefs, etc. of something (2V8C)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2V8D)
A Context-Based Awareness Mechanism for Cooperative Mobile Users - http://www-lsr.imag.fr/Les.Personnes/Manuele.Kirsch-Pinheiro/posterCoopIS04_VF.pdf < Dictionary.com - www.dictionary.com (2V8E)
Context Definition 1 (2V8F)
"A representation of the notion of context which considers both the user’s physical context (i.e., her/his current location, location, device, etc.) and the user’s organizational context which refers to the knowledge about the collaborative process in which the user (called “member” here) is involved, including concepts like groups, roles, activities, etc." (2V8G)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2V8H)
A Context-Based Awareness Mechanism for Cooperative Mobile Users - http://www-lsr.imag.fr/Les.Personnes/Manuele.Kirsch-Pinheiro/posterCoopIS04_VF.pdf (2V8I)
Context Definition 2 (2V8J)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2V8K)
Context Definition 3 (2V8L)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2V8M)
See Also Related Terms (2V8N)