Writers' First Review Draft (2V28)
Term (2V29)
Component, COTS (2V2A)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2V2B)
OMB Context Definition (2V2C)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2V2D)
Business Definition (2V2E)
Componet within a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) solution serving a specific line of business. (2V2F)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2V2G)
Technical Definition (2V2H)
Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) components that can satisfy business process and data requirements for large functional domains or lines-of-business. (2V2I)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2V2J)
Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, Federal Chief Information Officers Council; "Service Component-Based Architectures Version 2.0" ; June 2004 (2V2K)
Context Definition 1 (2V2L)
Is either provided by some other organizations in the same company, or provided by external companies as a commercial product. • Is integrated into the final delivered system. • Is not a commodity, i.e. not shipped with an operating system, not provided with the development environment, not generally included in any pre-existing platforms. • Is not controllable by the user, in terms of provided features and their evolution. Our addition: This normally means (2V2M)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2V2N)
M. Torchiano and M. Morisio, “Overlooked Facts on COTS-based Development”, IEEE Software, 21(2):88-93, March/April 2004. (2V2O)
Context Definition 2 (2V2P)
Isn’t produced in or exclusively for the project. • Can be closed source or open source. If it’s opens source software, it’s usually treated as if it were closed. • Isn’t a commodity. It’s not shipped with the operation system, provided with the development environment, or generally included in any preexisting platform. • Is integrated into the final delivered system. It’s not a development tool. Isn’t controllable, in terms of provided features and their evolution. (2V2Q)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2V2R)
M. Torchiano and M. Morisio, “Overlooked Facts on COTS-based Development”, IEEE Software, 21(2):88-93, March/April 2004. (2V2S)
Context Definition 3 (2V2T)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2V2U)
See Also Related Terms (2V2V)