Writers' First Review Draft (2V0X)
Term (2V0Y)
Component Based Architecture (CBA) (2V0Z)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2V10)
Available from http://www.everware.com/enterpriseArchitecture.shtml ; Accessed June 24 2005 (2V11)
OMB Context Definition (2V12)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2V13)
Business Definition (2V14)
An Enterprise Architecture based upon categorizing business, service, performance, technical, and data entities, at their lowest level, as components, then recognizing larger lines of business, service, and technology infrastructures as combinations of components, enabling the design of enterprise solutions using pre- manufactured components. (2V15)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2V16)
Industry Advisory Council (IAC) "Succeeding with Component-Based Architecture in e-Government Concept Level WHITE PAPER Developed for the Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office (FEA-PMO)";March 2003 (2V17)
Technical Definition (2V18)
A technology architecture comprised of run-time services and control structures together with an application infrastructure. (2V19)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2V1A)
Avaialable from http://www.hp-huawei.com/4.EA/ea/trm_2.htm; Accessed June 24 2005 (2V1B)
Context Definition 1 (2V1C)
Component-Based Architecture (CBA) is a lifecycle approach to architecting software solutions from components. It produces applications that are very flexible because of their component "plug and play" nature. By modeling the business from a services perspective, we produce a target architecture consisting of highly reusable components. This approach is key to implementing applications (and modernizing legacy applications) that are able to support, rather than inhibit, business change. Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2V1D)
Available from http://www.everware.com/enterpriseArchitecture.shtml ; Accessed June 24 2005 (2V1E)
Context Definition 2 (2V1F)
Component Based Architecture. Under development by the FEA-PMO. By defining and publishing these building blocks and groups of building blocks in the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), OMB has, as a primary goal, the reuse of components to increase efficiency and effectiveness and reduce costs. A key information-sharing item to facilitate adoption of the CBA will the Component Registry / Repository. See Component Registry / Repository. (2V1G)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2V1H)
http://www.nbc.gov/eaweb/glossary.cfm (2V1I)
Context Definition 3 (2V1J)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2V1K)
See Also Related Terms (2V1L)