Date / Time: Conference Call Tue 2005-01-14 11:00 am ~ 12:00 noon EDT (9AD)
Call Details: (9AE)
- Call-in Number: 800-857-4839 (SPC)
- PASSCODE: 56889 (SPD)
- Your entry will be toned-in; please announce yourself (9AH)
- Invited / Expecting: (9AJ)
Agenda Ideas and Suggestions (9AL)
Agenda & Proceedings (9AN)
- 1. First 15 minutes - Introduction and New User Orientation - SusanTurnbull and PeterYim ("ppy") (9AO)
- number one page for newcomers is the WikiHomePage for solid background (9BH)
- number two page for newcomers: (9AP)
- CWE for CWE users and administrators - our place to add content and help us learn together faster (9AQ)
- useful for community to appoint someone as administrator (17RI)
- look at CWE user levels - only level one for browser, edit, and email - still lots of mileage. More levels mean more functions possible (17RJ)
- hosted product called CWE (17RA)
- History - the work of Doug Engelbart is greatly admired - pioneered the work that was predessor for almost all we see today - window, GUI, video conferencing, hypertext, groupware - back in 60s and 70s (17RB)
- Not all his papers were taken up - Internet as place where knowledge can be shared (open hypertext, and Dynamic Knowledge Repository) - hyperlinking among pooled resources toward faster collective knowledge for action (17RC)
- includes open source, open knowledge precepts - includes best of breed open source components (17RD)
- open CWE - anyone can go in and work (17RE)
- Community only CWE - only community members can be active, community-level password (17RF)
- Secured CWE - encrypted (RSA, public key pairs) (17RG)
- PurpleNumbers - (17RK)
- mouse over and go to lower left of display - you'll see the URI (17RL)
- right click to select "copy shortcut" for URI - paste this URI in an email - and clicking will take you exactly to that "place" in the document, notes, agenda (17RM)
- fine-grained access at paragraph and bullet level (17RN)
- available throughout the work environment (17RO)
- R&D ontologists working to continue to improve this (17RP)
- Suite of 4 major work spaces: (9AR)
- a discussion forum (archived email forum) - to hold our conversations and discussions (virtually and asynchronously - not at the same time) (9AS)
- enables you to focus on content of conversation and not administration (9AT)
- every message becomes an html page that can be sorted by date or conversation thread (linked by replying to an earlier message) (9AU)
- a wiki - to help us collaboratively compose our work (9AV)
- like a web page; read, browse and write web; one person at a time takes notes (9AW)
- platform independent and people can be located anywhere in the world (9AX)
- Upper camel case - ie - AnilSharma - then tries to create a new page (?), if existing already (like PeterYim) then it links to existing page (17RT)
- a web page in 15 seconds - anywhere in the world and can see this content (17RW)
- a file repository - to hold documents, work and resources that we can share, and (9AY)
- like your file space, but remote. Requires one time set-up. Any content is accessible by a browser and the content can be referenced and you can point your audience directly to the link of interest (9AZ)
- in addition to linking to just the top of the page, linking is more granular (fine-grained accessibility, linking to any bullet point (9B0)
- anything in webdav server is sharable among entire community (17RH)
- a portal - to provide a convenient single point of entry to the environment and the work of the community - public facing facet for outward facing content (9B1)
- Why do we need this? (9B3)
- Mission of Organization or company: Make distributed collaboration more effective for people (17RQ)
- it's all about getting work done effectively, especially when we are not in the same place (9B4)
- SRI research - small changes can make people very effective (ie purple number) over long term have a huge bearing on effectiveness (17RZ)
- it takes People, Process and Tools to achieve that (emphasis: People heads the list; and this is definitely not just about technology) (9B5)
- Attitude toward sharing is the most telling factor at the end of the day (17S0)
- It's a participatory workspace (9B6)
- it's about: (9B7)
- sharing (9B8)
- distributing the work (9B9)
- getting things done without being in the same place, at the same time (9BA)
- have minimal structure to do work; spur innovation and emergent behavior (9BB)
- perhaps appears very basic, but that's key to its expressive power and flexibility (9BC)
- not constrained by overdesign "lock-in" (17S1)
- example of a community to look at: (9BD)
- testbed global community over the past 3 yr. - 100 members and 13 countries - you're welcome to visit and join us if you're interested in ontologies (9BE)
- 2. Observations and Insights from the Week - All (9BF)
- recovery from spam on the wiki (2FHG)
- anyone who is inadvertently blocked from writing to the wiki (since there is an IP Filter in operation that is put in to help fight spam) should e-mail SusanTurnbull and PeterYim offline and provide the IP they have problems with. (2FHH)
- 3. Date/ Time of next call: Friday, January 21, 2005, 11:00 am ~ 12:00 noon EST (9BG)