Date / Time: Conference Call Tue 2004-11-23 11:00 am ~ 12:00 noon EST (6PF)
Call Details: (3SY)
- Call-in Number: 1-858-300-3030 (3SZ)
- PASSCODE: 26527 (3T0)
- Your entry will be toned-in; please announce yourself (3T1)
- Invited / Expecting: (6PH)
Agenda Ideas and Suggestions (6Q4)
- people with specific tasks they need done on the CWE are encouraged to bring them to this session -- we can all discuss how best to get them accomplished. (6Q5)
Agenda & Proceedings (6QB)
- 1. First 15 minutes - Introduction and New User Orientation - SusanTurnbull and PeterYim ("ppy") (6QC)
- Overview from Past Teleconference (6QD)
- (6QF)
- CWE for CWE users and administrators - our place to add content and help us learn together faster (6QG)
- 2. Quick intro of our collaboration work environment (20 min.) (6SE)
- see: (6SF)
- 4 major work spaces: (6SG)
- an archived email forum - to hold our converstions and discussions (6SH)
- a wiki - to help us collaboratively compose our work (6SI)
- a file repository - to hold documents, work and resources that we can share, and (CE)
- a portal - to provide a convenient single point of entry to the environment and the work of the community (6SJ)
- it's all about getting work done effectively, especially when we are not in the same place (6SK)
- it takes People, Process and Tools to achieve that (emphasis: People heads the list; and this is definitely not just about technology) (6SL)
- it's about: (6SM)
- sharing (6SN)
- distributing the work (6SO)
- getting things done without being in the same place, at the same time (6SP)
- minimal structure; spur innovation and emergent behavior (6SQ)
- Mouse over purple number to get the entire URL for the link (6SR)
- The system looks at each as a note in the knowledge tree (6SS)
- right mouse click for copyshortcut (6ST)
- link location is on your scratchpad - paste the link into email- recipient get the link (6SU)
- 2. Observations and Insights from the Week - All (6Q7)
- 3. Case Exercise - brought to the call by attendee(s)- All, followed by Guided Instruction from Peter Yim (6Q8)
- For example, last week, Steve suggested we do the one-time WebDAV connectivity setup as a case exercise (which we did during the session). Here are the useful links that were discussed: Links to WebDAV connectivity setup (6QA)
- 3. Date/ Time of next call: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:00 am ~ 12:00 noon EST (4RJ)