Chief Knowledge Officers: A Project of the KM WG Board (37BT)
- Purpose: Conduct a Federal government-wide inventory to identify individuals who are working extensively in Knowledge Management (e.g., Chief Knowledge Officers, Heads of KM Offices), groups that are engaged in or connected with KM activities in the federal sector, and KM programs or projects in the federal sector (FY 2007). Analyze the inventory and publish results in hard copy form and online (FY 2008).Results will include a KM Expertise Locator that will enable Federal officials and agencies to promptly locate individuals or units with particular KM Competencies, and to contact them for partnering, collaboration, or simply sharing of knowledge or expertise (FY 2009). (37BU)
- Methodology: Use the CIO Council Membership Listing: (37BV)
- Departments: (37BW)
- Department of Agriculture (37BX)
- Department of Air Force (37BY)
- Department of Army (37BZ)
- Department of Commerce (37C0)
- Department of Defense (37C1)
- Department of Education (37C2)
- Department of Energy (37C3)
- Department of Health & Human Services (37C4)
- Department of Homeland Security (37C5)
- Department of Housing & Urban Development (37C6)
- Department of Interior (37C7)
- Bureau of Land Management (Bob Nielsen) (37CX)
- Department of Justice (37C8)
- Department of Labor (37C9)
- Department of Navy (37CA)
- Jim Knox (37CB)
- Department of State (37CC)
- Tom Niblock (37CZ)
- Department of the Treasury (37CD)
- Department of Transportation (37CE)
- Federal Highway Administration (Mike Burke) (37D0)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (37CF)
- Agencies (37CG)
- Agency for International Development (37CH)
- Environmental Protection Agency (37CI)
- Executive Office of the President (37CJ)
- General Services Administration (37CK)
- Denise Lee is researching this. (37CL)
- National Aeronautics & Space Administration (37CM)
- National Science Foundation (37CN)
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (37CO)
- Office of Management & Budget (37CP)
- Office of Personnel Management (37CQ)
- Small Business Administration (37CR)
- Small Agencies (about 100) (37CT)