Chief Architects Forum (CAF) Monday August 25, 2008 at the Graduate School, USDA in Rooms 890-1 and 890-2 (3Z2R)
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Federal CIO Council, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, and Industry Advisory Council Date and Time Monday August 25, 2008, 9:00 to 12:00 pm Location: The Graduate School, USDA, 600 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington DC (3Z2U)
(See below for directions) (3Z2V)
Topics Practical Application of Enterprise Architecture in the Optimization of the Federal IT infrastructure, Status Report from the Segment Architecture Tiger Team, and Updates on the Federal Transition Framework (3Z2W)
Teleconference Information: Conference call number: 1-866-213-1962 Access Code: 1862951 (3Z2X)
Agenda (3Z2Y)
Ira Grossman, Chairman, CAF - Introduction and Greeting (3Z8P)
Robert Hill, OMB FEAPMO – Updates on the Federal Transition Framework (3Z8Q)
Eric Won, GSA - Practical Application of Enterprise Architecture in the Optimization of the Federal IT infrastructure (3Z2Z)
We will discuss some of the common enterprise-level services that have been identified by an interagency task group of enterprise architects. A major result of our effort should be a core segment architecture that all agencies can adopt, with some customization for their particular missions. (3Z30)
Keith Tucker , U. S. Department of Interior - Report from Segment Architecture Tiger Team (3Z8R)
Sonya Jain, ACT/IAC - LIFT EA: Health Care Information Sharing Environment Pilot (3Z8S)
Question and Answers with speakers (3Z31)
Please RSVP to Ira Grossman @ (3Z32)
Directions to Graduate School, USDA 600 Maryland Ave. SW Washington DC (3Z33)
Main Graduate School, USDA Training Location at Capital Gallery Graduate School, Washington 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20024-2520 (3Z34)
Directions (3Z35)
The Capital Gallery building is conveniently located with access to the Metrorail and one block from the Washington Mall and the Smithsonian's Air & Space Museum. (3Z36)
Directions for Metro: Take the Metrorail Orange, Blue, Yellow or Green Line to the L'Enfant Plaza Station. Take the 7th and Maryland Avenue exit. (3Z37)