Chief Architects Forum Quarterly Meeting (36E1)
- Agenda: (36E7)
- I. Introduction & Welcome - Ira Grossman, Chairman, CAF New Contact Information (36E8)
- II. FEA Strategies for the Coming Year - Dick Burk , Chief Federal Architect , OMB FEA PMO (Updated) (36EE)
- Spotlighting what Chief Architects will be asked to focus on with their agencies during the architecture phase from September through February. See Federal Architect (36EF)
- Focus areas include creating a segment architecture for a core mission LOB. Dick will talk through ways to select, what to look for, etc. (36EG)
- In addition , Dick will talk about using the FTF and incorporating cross-agency initiatives into the EAs. (36EH)
- III. Effectively and Efficiently Managing the Transition to IPv6 - Dr. John McManus – NASA Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Presentation (36EI)
- V. Networking/Break (36EJ)
- VI. Discussion Breakout Groups (36EK)
- VII. Closing (36EL)