Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) (2ZQK)
Meeting Agenda (2ZRO)
Thursday, October 20, 2005 (2ZSK)
1:00 – 4:00 pm (2ZSL)
- Call in Number: 888-283-5324 (2ZRR)
- Conference Code: 7035587871 (2ZRS)
- please do not put this meeting on hold (2ZRT)
12:30 - 1:00 - Networking Opportunity — All AIC membership (2ZS5)
There will be a 30 minute networking session prior to each AIC Monthly Meeting. Please feel free to come to the meeting a few minutes early and get to know others in the committee. (2ZRU)
1:00 - 1:05 - Roll Call and Welcome — Ren Cahoon and Kim Nelson, AIC Co-Chairs (2ZRV)
1:05 - 1:35 - Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6) (2ZS6)
Walt Grabowski, Senior Director, Network Integration, SI International, Inc. will brief the membership on the Industry Advisory Council’s white paper presentation on IPv6. (2ZRX)
1:35 - 2:35 - Introduction to Department of Defense Communities of Interest: Data Sharing in a Net-Centric Environment (2ZS7)
Michael Todd, Associate Director for Information Management, Department of Defense, Office of the CIO, will brief the committee on the formation of cross-agency Communities of Interest as a key aspect of the Data Reference Model 2.0. (2ZRZ)
2:35 - 2:45 - Break (2ZS0)
2:45 - 3:20 - EA Assessment Framework v2.0 (2ZS8)
Dick Burk, Chief Architect, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will update the membership on the progress of the proposed EA Assessment Framework v2.0. (2ZS1)
3:20 - 3:40 - Subcommittee Updates — Subcommittee Leads (5 minutes each) (2ZS9)
Each of the subcommittee leads will provide an update on the status and progress of activities in their subcommittee. (2ZSA)
- Governance — Roy Mabry and Frank Kist (2ZSB)
- Reference Model Governance (2ZSC)
- Emerging Technology — Susan Turnbull and John McManus (2ZSD)
- Components — Rob Thomas and Barry West (2ZSG)
3:40- 3:45 - AIC/FEAPMO Joint Commitment Updates — Dick Burk (2ZSJ)
3:45- 4:00 - Closing, Action Items Review — Ren Cahoon and Kim Nelson, AIC Co-Chairs (2ZS4)