Chief Architects Forum (CAF) Meeting (2TGG)
EA Definition Session (2TGH)
January 6, 2005, 1-4 PM (2TGI)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Science Center and Auditorium, 1301 East-West Highway, SSMC4, Silver Spring, MD (98S)
/CAF Venue Location and Directions (90W)
Purpose (98U)
- The objective of this meeting is to develop a draft “strawman” dictionary/glossary of Enterprise Architecture Terms that the Federal Government can refine and publish as a de-jure standard to be used by the government and all its constituencies. (917)
- The purpose of the Forum is to solicit your feedback, as Chief Architects, on the draft Industry Advisory Council (IAC) version of the dictionary/glossary and address issues related to this document. This “strawman” glossary, available at the January 6th meeting, will be used as the basis for breakout discussion sessions. The “strawman” glossary has been drafted by the IAC and will be revised after the CAF Meeting to ensure that all changes and revisions are added. (918)
Agenda (98T)
1:00 pm - Welcome & Introduction – IraGrossman (2 minutes) (2TGJ)
1:05 pm - Presentation by Dick Burk, Chief Architect, OMB-FEAPMO (15 minutes) (2TGK)
1:25 pm - EA Definition Development & Approval Process - Michael Farber (4 minutes) and Wiki Introduction - SusanTurnbull (1 minute) (99M)
1:30 pm - Small Group Break out Sessions (90 minutes) (2TGL)
- Glossary of EA Terms - Working Draft, Jan. 3, 2005 (98V)
- Index of Glossary of EA Terms - Working Draft, Jan. 4, 2005 (98W)
1. Information Definitions (2TGM)
- Facilitator: MichaelFarber; IAC subject matter expert: Felix Rausch (92O)
- /InformationDefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (92P)
2. Business Definitions (92Q)
- Facilitator: AngelaDuin; IAC subject matter expert: Sudhi Umarji (92R)
- /BusinessDefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (92S)
3. Data Definitions (92T)
- Facilitator: PatHeinig; IAC subject matter expert: Mike Dunham (92U)
- /DataDefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (92V)
4. Meta EA Definitions (92W)
- Facilitator: MaryMcCaffery; IAC subject matter expert: MikeTiemann (92X)
- /MetaEADefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (92Y)
5. Applications Definitions (92Z)
- Facilitator: StephenLowe; IAC subject matter expert: Bangalore Shivacharan (930)
- /ApplicationDefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (931)
6. Infrastructure Definitions (932)
- Facilitator: JohnSullivan; IAC subject matter expert: Davis Roberts (933)
- /InfrastructureDefinitionsBreakOut_2005_01_06 (934)
3:00 pm - Break (5 minutes) (2TGN)
3:05 pm - Report Outs from Small Groups (30 minutes) (2TGO)
3:35 pm - Group Discussion (25 minutes) (2TGP)
4:00 pm - Concluding Remarks (3 minutes) (2TGQ)