Business Definitions (93B)
- Context and Drivers (9BK)
- Context (9BL)
- Exapmle: Why is it important to have a definition for "Best Practice"? (9BM)
- Reason: Agencies are focused on benchmarking, explaining the purpose of having "Best Practice" as a term (9BN)
- Definition for "Best Practice" (9BO)
- becomes a principle (9BP)
- Origins of the Glossary (9BQ)
- developed for a similar frame of discussion (9BR)
- words can be modified throughout the process (9BS)
- possible to have multiple definitions (9BT)
- it is important to address where these terms come from (9BU)
- What is the value of having the same definitions (9BV)
- Everyone would understand what is being turned in (9BW)
- things can mean so many different things among agencies, making it difficult to understand each other (9BX)
- Missing terms (9BY)
- "Mission Critical" (9BZ)
- "Mapping" (9C0)
- "Enterprise Integration" (9C1)
- "Modernization Blueprint" (9C2)
- "Information Sharing" (9C3)
- "Investment" (9C4)
- "System" - most important (9D8)
- "Performance based" (9D9)
- "cost servicing" (9DA)
- "Cross Function" (9DB)
- "Certified Project Manager" (9DC)
- "Project Manager" (9DD)
- "Work Activity" (9DE)
- Steps involved in the development of the glossary (9C6)
- Step 1: discussion groups suring CAF (9C7)
- Step 2: Wiki input (9C8)
- How are we going to address how these terms are presented (9C9)
- MECE - Mutually Exclusice Conceptually Exhausted (9DF)
- do not duplicate terms that are synonyms for each other, but don't want to exclude terms as well (9DG)
- put acronyms in their own category (9DH)
- it is difficult when legislation is the driver for certain acronyms (9DI)
- "Business Case" - (current) A structured proposal for vusiness improvement that functions as a decision package for organizational decision-makers. A business case includes an analysis of business process performance and associated needs or problems, proposed alternative solutions, assumptions, contraints, and a risk-adjusted cost-benefit analysis. (9DK)
- SUGGESTIONS - dropping the last sentence to make it more general, developing a second definition, Exhibit (9DL)
- (2TG8)
- "Earned Value Management" - (current) A systematic approach to the intefrtion and measurement of cost, schedule, and technical (scope) accomplishments on a project or task (9DM)
- where is the performance (9DO)
- "systematic" might be better as "defined/repeatable" (9DP)
- (2TG9)
- "Performance Metric"- (current) A measure of the level of performance to be achieved during a period. For example, a standard performance for direct labor of two standard hours to complete a task would be combined wiht the rate per standard hour for labor to create the performance metric of the cost for the task (9DQ)
- get rid of "example" (9DS)
- "measure" -- add "usually quantifiable" in front of measure (9DT)
- suggest referencing Performance Management Insititue (9DU)
- (2TGA)
- "Project" - (current) A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (9DV)
- don't think "unique" is accurate (9DX)
- change "unique" to "specific" (9DY)
- do we need to add "work activity"? (9DZ)
- add another definition - reference A11 A130 and PART definitions and Project Management Insitute) (9E0)
- (2TGB)
- "Strategic Planning" - (current) The U.S. federal government is in the midst of a massive change in the way it does business. For decades, the primary federal government driver has been the budget. Unfortunately, this may never change. However, in August 1993 Congress passed legilation, signed into law by President Clinton, entitled the Government Perforamnce and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA). This law, which th egederal government has been implementing fo rthe pas several years, sets the stage for the federal government to have long-range strategic plans. These plan must encompass at least five years plus the budget year, or a total minimum of six years. The strategic plans are to be driven by the mission of the agency and developed and implemented in consultation with Congress, stakefolders, customers, and employees of the organizations. (9E1)
- SUGGESTIONS - REDO, it is too long. Use GPRA as a reference. (9E2)
- (2TGC)
- "Value Proposition" - (current) The unique added value an organization offers customers through their operations; The logical link between action and payoff that knowledge management must create to be effective (e.g. customer intimacy, product-to-market excellence, and operational excellence (9E3)
- (2TGD)
- "Key Performance Indicator" - (current) A measure of achievement that can be attributed to an individual, team or department. KPIs are normally developed as part of a performance management system. (9E7)
- not as important as the other terms (9E9)
- (2TGE)
- "Vision" - (current) A succinct and strategic statement describing the targeted end state for the architecture (9EA)
- "used to guide decisions" (9EC)
- (2TGF)
- "Strategic Direction" - (current) A component of the Federal Enterprise Architecture Gramework. The strategic direction guides development of the target architecture. The strategic direction incorporates the vision (a succinct and strategic statment describing the targeted end state for the architecture in five years), principles for guiding the architecture evolution, and goals and objectives for managing it and determining progress towards achieving the vision. Th estrategic direction must remain consistent with Federal diresction stated in the CIO Council Strateic Plan. (9ED)
- get rid of first sentence (9EF)
- get rid of last sentence (9EG)
- Many important definitions missing (9EI)
- Look at A11, A40 and other documents to reference definitions (9EJ)
- Going forward - need to develop a team of expert to spend time on this (9EK)