Componenttechnology.Org Registration Process (579)
1. Company/Entrepreneur Proposing eGovernment Solutions (19) (57A)
2. Government agency looking for eGovernment solutions (2) (57B)
3. Venture capital/angel investor willing to fund a company/entrepreneur proposing eGovernment solutions (0) (57C)
4. Government agency with a SBIR program willing to fund a company/entrepreneur and hand off the SBIR project to the venture community in Phase III (0) (57D)
5. Other interested party seeking to help (7) (57E)
- 1. Company/Entrepreneur Proposing eGovernment Solutions (57F)
- General Information (57V)
- Number of Employees (57W)
- Previous Work For Any eGovernment Project (State/Local/Federal) (Please limit to 200 words) (57X)
- What can your company do for the eGovernment projects (relate to specific Reference model and FEA documents)?(Please limit to 500 words) (57Y)
- Additional Comments (Please limit to 500 words) (57Z)
- General Information (57V)
- 2. Government agency looking for eGovernment solutions (580)
- 3. Venture capital/angel investor willing to fund a company/entrepreneur proposing eGovernment solutions (58K)
- General Info (591)
- What eGovernment projects are you interested in funding (relate to specific Reference model and FEA documents)?Please limit to 500 words.) (592)
- What type of company with eGovernment solutions are you interested in? (Please limit to 500 words.) (593)
- Additional Comments (Please limit to 500 words.) (594)
- General Info (591)
- 4. Government agency with a SBIR program willing to fund a company/entrepreneur and hand off the SBIR project to the venture community in Phase III (595)
- General Info (59M)
- What is your SBIR budget? (59N)
- What eGovernment projects are you interested in funding with SBIR funds (relate to specific Reference model and FEA documents)? (Please limit to 500 words.) (59O)
- What type of company with eGovernment solutions are you interested in? (Please limit to 500 words.) (59P)
- Additional Comments (Please limit to 500 words.) (59Q)
- General Info (59M)
- 5. Other interested party seeking to help (59R)
- General Info (5AA)
- Number of employees (5AB)
- How would you like to help? (5AC)
- Previous work for any eGovernment project (state/local/federal)(Please limit to 200 words.) (5AD)
- What can you do for the eGovernment projects (relate to specific Reference model and FEA documents)? (Please limitto 500 words.) (5AE)
- Additional Comments (Please limit to 500 words.) (5AF)
- General Info (5AA)