Call for Articles on Geospatial Information (997)
GSA's Office of Intergovernmental Solutions (OIS) publishes the Intergovernmental Solutions Newsletter that identifies trends and successes in information technology from around the world. The newsletter provides highlights from federal, state, local and international governments, as well as industry and academia. (991)
The next edition will cover how governments are using geospatial information to make government work better. For example, the Global Positioning System and Geographic Information Systems have become common tools within government. The cost of these systems continues to decrease while the potential to help government serve its citizens is on the rise. How are you using geospatial information and technologies to increase efficiencies, streamline business processes, and improve service to citizens? The Office of Intergovernmental Solutions is seeking examples of sharing geospatial information to solve a common problem that spans different organizations and levels of government. Stories could describe activities such as: (992)
- Intergovernmental Projects similar to the Geospatial One Stop Portal (998)
- Implementing Common Standards (999)
- Importance of multi-sector Coordinating Groups (99A)
- Geospatial Planning Efforts (99B)
- Geospatial Policy Development like Data Sharing Agreements (99C)
- Using Interoperable Geospatial Technology (99D)
- The Impact of a Geospatial Grant (99E)
- Overcoming Barriers to using Geospatial Technology (99F)
- IT and Geospatial Information Working in Synergy (99G)
- Collaborative Geospatial Funding (99H)
- Public Private Cooperative Relationships (99I)
- Compelling Applications of Geospatial Information (99J)
- Future Directions for Geospatial Information and Technology (99K)
- Applications that Serve Citizens (993)
If you are using geospatial information to make government work better and want to highlight your experience in the Intergovernmental Solutions Newsletter, contact SusanTurnbull at or 202-501-6214. (994)
Articles should be 1,000 words or less and must be received by Friday February 18. Please include the author's name, title, organization, telephone number, and e-mail address with your submission. Thank you. (995)
To view previous editions of our newsletter please go to Office of Intergovernmental Solutions and click on Newsletters. (996)