MEETING #3 March 08, 2007: 1:30–3:00p.m. Conference Call (3HA9)
1 Discussed at the meeting: (3H8S)
1.1) The group discussed the current template V01 (A two part reconciliation, A reconciliation of Total Financing Sources to Total Budgetary Resources and A reconciliation of Budgetary Obligations to Net Cost (3HRJ)
- A number of participants were not in favor of this format (HHS, SSA, SBA) (3HRK)
- The same group preferred the current format over the V01 format (3HRL)
- Other participants were in favor of the V01 format, with revisions (Treas/DO, DOI-FWS) (3HRM)
- The primary objection to the V01 format was the 1st reconciliation. The Resources Section, It was explained that this was included because of wording at Line 80 SFFAS7. (3HS1)
- The general consensus was to remove the 1st reconciliation, and to cross walk the 2nd section, to the existing SOF format. (3HRO)
- To remove the 1st reconciliation, we would have to recommend changes to the FASAB Standard Line 80 SFFAS7 (3HRP)
1.2) The group discussed circulating a V02 of another template, that was based more on the current format, removing some of the problematic areas. (3HRQ)
- Don Geiger will circulate a version from last year (3HRR)
- Attached is a copy from last year of another format, please markup this format with your comments and suggestions, Don will crosswalk this format back to the existing format to identify where each line relates to the current statement. Let's plan on having a working version by Monday the 19th, our next meeting is on Tuesday the 18th (3HTT)
- 1st Draft v02 for comment (3HTU)
- Other Suggested Formats -- GSA (Ed Gramp) (3HD5)
- (3HTV)
1.3) We are encouraging input from of participants, or anyone who has ideas on improving the format. (3HRS)
- For example in meeting 2 Ed Gramp had suggested a Resources to Resources & Uses to Uses format ''' (3HD6)
1.4) the group decided to continue to try and come to agreement on the best format of the Statement-Reconciliation, however the following would also need to be addressed after (3HRT)
1.5) As we continue to consider various formats it is important to get feedback on the issues causing preparation problems by fund type category and Trust Funds (3HDD)
- Need to identify what the issues are by appropriation (3HDE)
- Need to identify what the issues are by fund type (3HDF)
1.6) For those interested in learning more about the Collaborative Working Environment or WIKI's in general, GSA will be holding a call in training session 3/24/07 (3HS4)
- An orientation to the use of Collaborative Websites (WIKI) will be held by a GSA teleconference will be on Wednesday, March 14, from 11-1 PM. Call-in number: 800-857-9370 PASSCODE: 38181....If you would like to learn more about WIKI's WIKI Training Agenda (3HSA)
2 Administrative Items: (3H9A)
- Call in Information: (3HA1)
- Future Meetings: (3HA2)
- Attendance at Meeting: (3HAC)
- SOF-Committee Members (3HBR)
- Members Attending the Meeting: (3HAD)
- Leon Fleischer, SBA (3HQQ)
- Don Geiger, Treasury/DO (3HQR)
- Margaret Bohen for Paul Weinberger, HHS (3HQS)
- Melinda Pope, FMS (3HQT)
- Diane Washington, DOI (3HQU)
- Julie Ehrlichman , DOI-FWS (3HQV)
- Martha Cooper , DFAS (3HQW)
- Richard Fontenrose, FASAB (3HQX)
- "DJ" Akinnagbe, DOC (3HQY)
- Eric Carter, DOC (3HQZ)
- Barbara J. Clark, SBA (3HR0)
- Judy Twitty, SSA (3HR1)
- Members unable to Attend: (3HAH)
- Christine Hickman, DFAS (3HR3)
- Margo Sheridan, DOT (3HR4)
- Juanita Ruf, IRS (3HR5)
- Alice Rice, DOD (3HR6)
- Ed Gramp, GSA (3HR7)
- Kevin Close, USDA (3HR8)
- Chris Miskovich, USGS (3HR9)
- Jennifer Fleming, ED (3HRA)
- Louis Malfait , IRS (3HRB)
- Karin Dasuki , NSF (3HRC)
- Janice Alexander , NSF (3HRD)
- Carol Smith, EDU (3HRE)
- Doug Glenn, GSA (3HRF)
- Greg James, FEMA (3HRG)
- Cindy George, OMB (3HRH)
3.1) Discussion of Agency Reports on Using FY07 v01 of the template: (3HC7)
- Internal Revenue Service (Juanita Ruf & Louis Malfait) (3HC8)
- Social Security Administration (Judy Twitty) (3HC9)
- Small Business Administration (Barb Clark) (3HCA)
- Health & Human Services (Paul Weinberger) (3HCB)
- Department of Agriculture (Kevin Close) (3HCC)
- Department of Commerce (Bruce Henshel) (3HCD)
4 References: (3HA5)
-OMB Circular A-136 - Full Circular (3H9K)
-OMB Circular A-136 - SOF Section (3H9L)
-FMS Crosswalk to SOF (FY07 Reporting) (3H9M)
-[add file here Implementation Guide SOF SFFAS7, Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources: Detailed Information on the Statement of Financing] (3H9N)
-SOF Quick Reference Guide (Kevin Close – USDA) (3H9O)
-Last Year FY06 Recommendation (3HS6)