Writers' First Review Draft (2US4)
Term (2US6)
Business Process (2US7)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2US8)
OMB Context Definition (2US9)
A collection of related, structured activities -- a chain of events -- producing a specific service or product for a particular stakeholder or stakeholder group. (2USA)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2USB)
OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework Version 1.5 (2USC)
Business Definition (2USD)
A set of steps to produce a good or service. (2USE)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2USF)
Technical Definition (2USG)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2USH)
Context Definition 1 (2USI)
Represents the implementation of an autonomous business concept or business process. It consists of all the technology elements (i.e., software, hardware, data) necessary to express, implement, and deploy a given business concept as an autonomous, reusable element of a large information system. It is a unifying concept across the development lifecycle and the distribution tiers. Groups of Business Components form a Business Component System. See Business Component System. (2USJ)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2USK)
Retrieved on June 18, 1005 from http://www.nbc.gov/eaweb/glossary.cfm?item=B (2USL)
Context Definition 2 (2USM)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2USN)
Context Definition 3 (2USO)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2USP)
See Also Related Terms (2USQ)