President eProcess Solutions 301.613.1521    (36D9)

Discussed at the workshop was the application 'Guide (tm)' and how it was used to meet DoD's Business Enterprise Architecture requirements. Guide, via wiki, allows for collaborative creation & editing of hperlinked information combining wizard-based prompting of structured business objects. Guide allows for:    (36DA)

- comment posting as well as full page editing    (36DB)

- 20+ different question types    (36DC)

- site appearance can be easily customized for branding via XML stylesheets    (36DD)

- option for single-page or multiple-page wizards content    (36DE)

- can be the combination of rich text, linked pages, or structured forms    (36DF)

- can be used with FacetSearch (tm) to allow advanced page searching; full-text combined with faceted classification searching for your information needs -- user directly interacts with the conceptual tree index of the information base and can set a focus by selecting one or more topics of interest directly from the index.    (36DG)

- coupled with Terms Service (tm) to semantic alignments; a multi-lingual dictionary users able to find the terminology, words, phrases, acronyms, etc. they need to do business by allowing users to navigate terms from many viewpoints. The rationale for the service is twofold: first to allow users to identify, better use and understand their own terms, and second to publish the definitions of each sense of the term and any known aliases to a wider audience for interoperability.    (36DH)

More information:    (36DI)