back to Brainstorming Web 2.0 (3NQY) (3OAS)
The following information comes from the "about" page: (3OAT)
Digg is a social bookmarking site. is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online. (3OAP)
How do we do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images to Podcasts — is submitted by our community (that would be you). Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see. (3OAQ)
And it doesn’t stop there. Because Digg is all about sharing and discovery, there’s a conversation that happens around the content. We’re here to promote that conversation and provide tools for our community to discuss the topics that they’re passionate about. By looking at information through the lens of the collective community on Digg, you’ll always find something interesting and unique. We’re committed to giving every piece of content on the web an equal shot at being the next big thing. (3OAR)
How can we use Digg in a government environment? (3OAU)
There are many research and news articles that come out about specific topics; too many for one person to track. By bookmarking those articles and/or Web sites where they reside, and combining them in a virtual environment where others can see and share them, we can minimize the time we would spend searching for current information on our own. (3OAV)
Digg and allow users to make comments on bookmarked articles and share those comments with everyone else who sees the site. Breaking news may be posted at thousands of different places around the Internet. If multiple people are seeking for the same information, and bookmark it with Digg or, it can quickly rise to the top of the most recent information and be easier to find. (3OAW)
In addition, using social bookmarking sites puts you in contact with others who share your interests. They may find information you hadn't, and you can search through their bookmarked items. By adding people to your community lists, you can automatically share each other's bookmarks. (3OAX)
How often have you read something from a link in an e-mail, only to realize you lost the link when you needed to go back to verify information or refresh your memory? By using these social bookmarking sites, you can keep track of on-line information you feel is critical to your workplace. In addition, you can access this information anyplace you can access a computer. (3OAY)
With the widespread dissemination of information over the Internet, social bookmarking sites help the user keep track of where information of particular interest resides. (3OAZ)