Enterprise Architect; Binary Group, Bethesda MD (3F35)
Multi disciplinary background with broad and deep knowledge of software engineer-ing and computer networking. Expansive thinker with outstanding record of accomplishments. Designed, developed and deployed technology strategy and policy for government, industry and academia. Experience in enterprise architecture, object-oriented software engineering, team- based development and distributed learning environments. Originated the Objective-C programming language, Java Web Application Architecture, Java Cryptographic Objects, Action Learning Environment, the MyBank Digital Rights Management System and the Taming the Electronic Frontier distance educa- tion course. See http://virtualschool.edu (3F2Z)
Books (3F32)
- Object-oriented Programming; An Evolutionary Approach, Addison Wesley 1994, ISBN 0201548348 (3F34)
- Superdistribution: Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier, Addison Wesley 1996, ISBN 0201502089 (3F33)