Boundary Annexation Use Case    (2RM1)

It is important to note that this use case was borrowed from documentation of a prototypical development effort and is in no way to be considered the position of the Bureau of Census. This use case should not be considered to represent any more than the exposition of a possible use scenario, in pretty complete form, to demonstrate to GeoSpatialCommunityofPractice members how complex use cases are best expressed. There is one more level of detail to this use case that actually addresses the geospatial aspect more directly. If this use case is selected for the EA Profile documentation, then that level of detail will be included.    (2RM2)

Name: Boundary Annexation    (2RM3)

Description: The U.S. Census Bureau conducts an annual Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) authorized by Title 13, United States Code, to update the information it has about the legal boundaries, names, governmental status, and types of municipalities in the United States. The BAS is sent to counties and equivalent entities, American Indian Areas (AIAs), minor civil divisions (MCDs), and incorporated places including consolidated cities. See for further information.    (2RM4)

The BAS captures detailed boundary change information including ordinance numbers and effective dates, and the associated address range break information. Information on the intersection of current legal boundaries with streets or roads that have house numbers and street name addresses is used to assign housing units to the correct governmental or tribal unit. This information is maintained in the Master Address File (MAF®) and the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) systems managed by the Geography Division (GEO) of the U.S. Census Bureau.    (2RM5)

No other federal agency collects these data, nor is there a standard collection of this information at the state level. The Census Bureau’s BAS is a unique survey providing a standard result for use by federal, state, local and tribal governments and by commercial, private and public organizations. Census provides information collected in the BAS as the governmental units boundaries Framework layer of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of the U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) The BAS is currently a paper-based survey that consists of map sheets, 12 forms, 8 letters, 2 postcards, and 12 inserts.    (2RM6)

As part of the MAF/TIGER® enhancements program, GEO has goals for improving the spatial coordinate accuracy of TIGER®, expanding the number of participants in the BAS, improving the response rate, reducing its cost, and offering additional update options available to local governments. Those update options will include a Web-based BAS for the digital update and exchange of address and spatial feature data with high coordinate accuracy.    (2RM7)

The goal of this use case is to describe one possible implementation of a WebBAS system based on open standards for the collection and approval / signing of detailed boundary change information, address break information, and base map feature insertion and update. This WebBAS system is to provide for the interactive collection and approval / signing of all BAS data currently collected on paper maps without the need for printing or mailing any paper maps or forms, although initial usernames and passwords may be provided by U.S. mail.    (2RM8)

The architecture of the notional WebBAS system shall allow it to be readily extended to meet the specialized reporting needs of incorporated places, counties, MCDs, AIAs and consolidated cities. The WebBAS system client interface is defined as a lightweight web browser plug-in for use by BAS respondents (who are local government officials, or LGO) who lack GIS system support. The client interface is to provide workflow dialogs, tool tips, and on-line help as required to obviate the need for printed user documentation.    (2RM9)

This use case defines a "WebBAS" system for survey of existing incorporated places as a partial replacement for the current paper form and map based BAS. WebBAS integrates on-line survey and GIS update functionality with role-based access controls, confidentiality, and integrity protections, based on traditional username / password authentication.    (2RMA)

Actors:    (2RT4)

LGO - Local government official (the person answering the questionairre and editing the boundary).    (2RMQ)

GEO - Geography Division, U.S. Census Bureau    (2RMR)

HEO - Highest elected official in a jurisdiction responding to BAS    (2RMS)

GASB - Geographic Areas Systems Branch of GEO responsible for WINDEX, GEOCAT, GPP, and BAS change data for places    (2RSZ)

DEX - Digital Exchange Process for GIS files between GEO and governmental data partners    (2RT0)

GEOCAT - Geographic Catalog database managed by GASB in GEO    (2RT1)

GPP - Geographic Programs Participant Database System managed by GASB in GEO    (2RT2)

WINDEX - Spatial indexing system to TIGER® partitions managed by GASB in GEO    (2RT3)

WebBAS - a WebBASed Boundary Annnex Survey    (2RMT)

WebBAS Client - The user interface for WebBAS respondents. It is a Web Browser plug-in "light weight" WebBAS client interface for a WebBAS respondent who does not have a GIS system.    (2RMU)

WebBAS Server - A custom WebBAS application installed on a computer at the Census that supports WebBAS Clients and Administrators via web server, Web Map Service (WMS) and Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS/T) interfaces.    (2RMB)

Precondition: WebBAS Clients exist in downloadable form such that LGO's can login into a BAS home page and download the client.    (2RMV)

WebBAS Server exists and is ready for access by WebBAS Clients    (2RMC)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RMD)

  1. Use Case 3c1 - Initialize system, Primary Actor: GEO    (2RMW)
  2. Use Case 3c2 - Survey Incorporated Municipality (BAS-1), Primary Actor: LGO    (2RMX)
  3. Use Case 3c3 - Survey County (BAS-2), Primary Actor: LGO    (2RMY)
  4. Use Case 3c4 - Survey Minor Civil Division (BAS-3), Primary Actor: LGO    (2RMZ)
  5. Use Case 3c5 - Survey New Municipality (BAS-4), Primary Actor: LGO    (2RN0)
  6. Use Case 3c6 - Survey American Indian Reservation / Trust Land (BAS-5), Primary Actor: LGO    (2RN1)
  7. Use Case 3c7 - Approve and sign responses, Primary Actor: HEO    (2RN2)
  8. Use Case 3c8 - Export jurisdiction changes for update of other systems, Primary Actor: GEO    (2RME)

Flow of Events - Alternative Paths:    (2RN3)

None.    (2RMJ)

Postcondition:    (2RN4)

Fully completed BAS.    (2RMN)

Sub Use Cases    (2RN5)

Use Case 3c1 - Initialize System    (2RN6)

Context of Use: WebBAS startup    (2RN7)

Primary Actor: GEO staff    (2RN8)

Preconditions: WebBAS system developed and installed    (2RN9)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RNA)

  1. Revised survey questions or help text    (2RNB)
  2. Change in BAS participant universe    (2RNC)
  3. Change in TIGER® system data    (2RND)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RNE)

  1. GEO - Load survey questions and help text    (2RNF)
  2. GEO - Use Case 3d1 - Load program participants    (2RNG)
  3. GEO - Use Case 3d2 - Load TIGER data    (2RNH)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RNI)

  1. BAS is conducted with latest survey questions, help text, GPP participant info and TIGER® data.    (2RNJ)
  2. Respondent can log in with username and password from survey letter.    (2RNK)
  3. Geographic data is loaded for respondent’s jurisdiction.    (2RNL)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RNM)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RNN)

  1. GEO - BAS starts on time, with latest participants and TIGER data    (2RNO)
  2. Respondents - They are identified correctly, and TIGER data is up to date    (2RNP)
Use Case 3c2 - Survey Incorporated Municipality (BAS-1)    (2RNQ)

Context of Use: BAS Underway    (2RNR)

Primary Actor: LGO for Incorporated Municipality    (2RNS)

Preconditions:    (2RNT)

  1. WebBAS system has been initialized (Use Case 3c1).    (2RNU)
  2. Jurisdiction has BAS changes to report.    (2RNV)
  3. HEO has forwarded LGO username / password to LGO.    (2RNW)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RNX)

  1. HEO receives survey letter from GEO with usernames / passwords.    (2RNY)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RNZ)

  1. LGO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2RO0)
  2. LGO - Use Case 3d5 - Ask Entered By    (2RO1)
  3. LGO - Use Case 3d6 - Ask Address    (2RO2)
  4. LGO - Use Case 3d7 - Ask Jurisdiction Name    (2RO3)
  5. LGO - Use Case 3d8 - Ask Jurisdiction Type    (2RO4)
  6. LGO - Use Case 3d9 - Ask In County MCD    (2RO5)
  7. LGO - Use Case 3d10 - Ask Municipal Boundary Change    (2RO6)
  8. LGO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2RO7)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RO8)

  1. WebBAS Client - Updates session information    (2RO9)
  2. WebBAS Server - Saves session information    (2ROA)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2ROB)

  1. WebBAS system denies access for invalid usernames and passwords.    (2ROC)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2ROD)

  1. HEO - BAS changes are reported correctly and at low cost.    (2ROE)
  2. LGO - BAS changes are easy to report.    (2ROF)
  3. GEO - BAS change reports are timely, correct, and spatially accurate.    (2ROG)
Use Case 3c3 - Survey County (BAS-2)    (2ROH)

Context of Use: BAS Underway    (2ROI)

Primary Actor: LGO for County    (2ROJ)

Preconditions:    (2ROK)

  1. WebBAS system has been initialized (Use Case 3c1).    (2ROL)
  2. Jurisdiction has BAS changes to report.    (2ROM)
  3. HEO has forwarded LGO username / password to LGO.    (2RON)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2ROO)

  1. HEO receives survey letter from GEO with usernames / passwords.    (2ROP)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2ROQ)

  1. LGO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2ROR)
  2. LGO - Use Case 3d5 - Ask Entered By    (2ROS)
  3. LGO - Use Case 3d6 - Ask Address    (2ROT)
  4. LGO - Use Case 3d7 - Ask Jurisdiction Name    (2ROU)
  5. LGO - Use Case 3d8 - Ask Jurisdiction Type    (2ROV)
  6. LGO - Use Case 3d21 - Ask County Change    (2ROW)
  7. LGO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2ROX)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2ROY)

  1. WebBAS Client - Updates session information    (2ROZ)
  2. WebBAS Server - Saves session information    (2RP0)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RP1)

  1. WebBAS system denies access for invalid usernames and passwords.    (2RP2)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RP3)

  1. HEO - BAS changes are reported correctly and at low cost.    (2RP4)
  2. LGO - BAS changes are easy to report.    (2RP5)
  3. GEO - BAS change reports are timely, correct, and spatially accurate.    (2RP6)
Use Case 3c4 - Survey Minor Civil Division (BAS-3)    (2RP7)

Context of Use: BAS Underway    (2RP8)

Primary Actor: LGO for Minor Civil Division    (2RP9)

Preconditions:    (2RPA)

  1. WebBAS system has been initialized (Use Case 3c1).    (2RPB)
  2. Jurisdiction has BAS changes to report.    (2RPC)
  3. HEO has forwarded LGO username / password to LGO.    (2RPD)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RPE)

  1. HEO receives survey letter from GEO with usernames / passwords.    (2RPF)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RPG)

  1. LGO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2RPH)
  2. LGO - Use Case 3d5 - Ask Entered By    (2RPI)
  3. LGO - Use Case 3d6 - Ask Address    (2RPJ)
  4. LGO - Use Case 3d7 - Ask Jurisdiction Name    (2RPK)
  5. LGO - Use Case 3d8 - Ask Jurisdiction Type    (2RPL)
  6. LGO - Use Case 3d24 - Ask In County    (2RPM)
  7. LGO - Use Case 3d25 - Ask Minor Civil Division Boundary Change    (2RPN)
  8. LGO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2RPO)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RPP)

  1. WebBAS Client - Updates session information    (2RPQ)
  2. WebBAS Server - Saves session information    (2RPR)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RPS)

  1. WebBAS system denies access for invalid usernames and passwords.    (2RPT)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RPU)

  1. HEO - BAS changes are reported correctly and at low cost.    (2RPV)
  2. LGO - BAS changes are easy to report.    (2RPW)
  3. GEO - BAS change reports are timely, correct, and spatially accurate.    (2RPX)
Use Case 3c5 - Survey New Municipality (BAS-4)    (2RPY)

Context of Use: BAS Underway    (2RPZ)

Primary Actor: LGO for newly incorporated or activated Municipality    (2RQ0)

Preconditions:    (2RQ1)

  1. WebBAS system has been initialized (Use Case 3c1).    (2RQ2)
  2. Jurisdiction has BAS changes to report.    (2RQ3)
  3. HEO has forwarded LGO username / password to LGO.    (2RQ4)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RQ5)

  1. HEO receives survey letter from GEO with usernames / passwords.    (2RQ6)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RQ7)

  1. LGO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2RQ8)
  2. LGO - Use Case 3d5 - Ask Entered By    (2RQ9)
  3. LGO - Use Case 3d6 - Ask Address    (2RQA)
  4. LGO - Use Case 3d7 - Ask Jurisdiction Name    (2RQB)
  5. LGO - Use Case 3d8 - Ask Jurisdiction Type    (2RQC)
  6. LGO - Use Case 3d9 - Ask In County MCD    (2RQD)
  7. LGO - Use Case 3d27 - Ask When Municipality Incorporated    (2RQE)
  8. LGO - Use Case 3d28 - Ask When Municipality Activated    (2RQF)
  9. LGO - Use Case 3d29 - Ask New Municipality Info    (2RQG)
  10. LGO - Use Case 3d30 - Ask New Municipality Boundary    (2RQH)
  11. LGO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2RQI)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RQJ)

  1. WebBAS Client - Updates session information    (2RQK)
  2. WebBAS Server - Saves session information    (2RQL)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RQM)

  1. WebBAS system denies access for invalid usernames and passwords.    (2RQN)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RQO)

  1. HEO - BAS changes are reported correctly and at low cost.    (2RQP)
  2. LGO - BAS changes are easy to report.    (2RQQ)
  3. GEO - BAS change reports are timely, correct, and spatially accurate.    (2RQR)
Use Case 3c6 - Survey American Indian Reservation / Trust Land (BAS-5)    (2RQS)

Context of Use: BAS Underway    (2RQT)

Primary Actor: LGO for American Indian Reservation / Trust Land    (2RQU)

Preconditions:    (2RQV)

  1. WebBAS system has been initialized (Use Case 3c1).    (2RQW)
  2. Jurisdiction has BAS changes to report.    (2RQX)
  3. HEO has forwarded LGO username / password to LGO.    (2RQY)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RQZ)

  1. HEO receives survey letter from GEO with usernames / passwords.    (2RR0)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RR1)

  1. LGO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2RR2)
  2. LGO - Use Case 3d5 - Ask Entered By    (2RR3)
  3. LGO - Use Case 3d6 - Ask Address    (2RR4)
  4. LGO - Use Case 3d7 - Ask Jurisdiction Name    (2RR5)
  5. LGO - Use Case 3d8 - Ask Jurisdiction Type    (2RR6)
  6. LGO - Use Case 3d32 - Ask In State County    (2RR7)
  7. LGO - Use Case 3d33 - Ask Reservation Trust Land Boundary Change    (2RR8)
  8. LGO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2RR9)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RRA)

  1. WebBAS Client - Updates session information    (2RRB)
  2. WebBAS Server - Saves session information    (2RRC)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RRD)

  1. WebBAS system denies access for invalid usernames and passwords.    (2RRE)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RRF)

  1. HEO - BAS changes are reported correctly and at low cost.    (2RRG)
  2. LGO - BAS changes are easy to report.    (2RRH)
  3. GEO - BAS change reports are timely, correct, and spatially accurate.    (2RRI)
Use Case 3c7 - Approve and sign responses    (2RRJ)

Context of Use: WebBAS startup    (2RRK)

Primary Actor: HEO    (2RRL)

Preconditions: WebBAS system developed and installed    (2RRM)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RRN)

  1. LGO Notifies HEO that responses are complete and ready for approval    (2RRO)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RRP)

  1. HEO - Use Case 3d3 - Start Client Session    (2RRQ)
  2. HEO - Use Case 3d34 - Ask Signed By    (2RRR)
  3. HEO - Selects changes to review    (2RRS)
  4. WebBAS Client - Displays geography and attribute changes    (2RRT)
  5. WebBAS Client - Asks if HEO approves and signs responses    (2RRU)
  6. HEO - Enters yes    (2RRV)
  7. WebBAS Client - Saves session info    (2RRW)
  8. HEO - Use Case 3d4 - End Client Session    (2RRX)

Flow of Events - Alternate Path:    (2RRY)

6a. HEO - Enters no    (2RRZ)

6a1. HEO - Notifies LGO of discrepancies    (2RS0)

6a2. LGO - Corrects responses    (2RS1)

6a3. HEO - Repeats steps 3 and 4    (2RS2)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RS3)

  1. HEO approves and signs responses    (2RS4)

Postcondition - Minimal Guarantee:    (2RS5)

  1. HEO can log in with username and password from survey letter.    (2RS6)
  2. HEO can correct identifying information    (2RS7)
  3. HEO can review LGO response entries    (2RS8)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RS9)

  1. HEO - BAS responses are correct    (2RSA)
  2. HEO - BAS responses were easy and cheap to enter    (2RSB)
  3. GEO - HEO approves and signs BAS responses    (2RSC)
Use Case 3c8 - Export jurisdiction changes for update of other systems    (2RSD)

Context of Use: WebBAS operations    (2RSE)

Primary Actor: GEO staff    (2RSF)

Preconditions: WebBAS responses received    (2RSG)

Precondition - Trigger:    (2RSH)

  1. HEO approves and signs WebBAS response entered by LGO    (2RSI)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2RSJ)

  1. GEO - Exports BAS responses    (2RSK)
  2. WebBAS Server - Exports BAS responses    (2RSL)
  3. GEO - Extracts GPP changes from BAS responses    (2RSM)
  4. GEO - Submits GPP changes for GPP update    (2RSN)
  5. GEO - Extracts GEOCAT changes from BAS responses    (2RSO)
  6. GEO - Submits GEOCAT changes for GEOCAT update    (2RSP)
  7. GEO - Extracts DEX changes from BAS responses    (2RSQ)
  8. GEO - Submits DEX changes for TIGER update    (2RSR)

Postcondition - Success Guarantee:    (2RSS)

  1. All approved and signed BAS responses are exported .    (2RST)

Postcondition - Stakeholders and Interests:    (2RSU)

  1. GEO - All approved and signed BAS responses are exported    (2RSV)