Bill Shinar is the Coordinator for the Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) a division of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). (60Y)
VGIN is the lead organization in Virginia for geospatial technologies and is responsible for the efficient and effective development and use of spatial data, GIS and related technologies across the public and private sectors in Virginia. VGIN was established in 1998. Over the last three years VGIN has managed and directed the Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP), which has invested $10 million dollars in the acquisition and distribution of a consistent geospatial foundation of high-resolution digital orthophotography, hydrography, road centerlines, and addresses, statewide. The Virginia Base Mapping Program received a 2004 Recognition Award from NASCIO for Government to Government services. Bill has over 20 years experience in both the public and private sector developing and managing geographic information systems (GIS), including the development of state wide systems for the states of Georgia and South Carolina. Bill has published articles on “Statewide GIS”, “GIS in Economic Development”, “Labor analysis and GIS”, and presented seminars at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), and for the Southern Industrial Research Council (SIDC). Bill is member of the Virginia Council on Technology Services and a graduate of the Virginia Executive Institute. Bill is a graduate of Michigan State University and has done graduate work in Economic Geography at the University of South Carolina. (60Z)