Photo of Bev Godwin (3WU1)
Bev Godwin serves as Director of the and Web Best Practices Division at the Office of Citizen Services and Communications, U.S. General Services Administration. She is responsible for the content, look and feel, and day-to-day operations for and, and for working across federal agencies on issues related to improving all government websites. (3WSY)
Prior to joining the team in December 2000, Bev served as Deputy Director at the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR). Joining NPR when it first began in 1993, Bev worked there for eight years on issues ranging from managing and budgeting for results, improving intergovernmental service delivery, waivers and local flexibility, the U.S. State and Local Gateway, family and community issues, and electronic government. (3WSZ)
Bev joined the federal government in 1982 at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There she managed analyses of budgets, policy, legislation, regulations and staffing for the $40 billion social services and income maintenance programs for children, families, and senior citizens. Bev also previously worked as a lobbyist and consultant for state governments. Bev received a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Michigan ; and a B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University. (3WT0)