Highlights (4LF)
Reference to High Performing Teams - AlexPavlak (4LG)
- Government agencies need more registries (4LH)
- DRM guide for executives - need guidelines for FEA as well - executives, developers, (4LI)
- Ontologies are highly useful artifacts within and between agencies (4LJ)
- Exposure to tools is good; more training necessary; protege offering a four-day course (4LK)
- DoI real experiences (4LL)
- Expedition workshops can shorten the discovery process for other communities (4LM)
- Bringing Communities together to sort out possibilities is very useful (4LN)
- Education - people here consider themselves technical, many managers are not - hard for them to have confidence in what you're doing and pushing forward on your behalf - need to educate upward (4LO)
- CoP around Interoperable enterprise content management - PaulFontaine, MikeConnor (4LP)
- Show the audience the context in their worlds (4LQ)
- Multi-million schemas - put through protege - then assess improvements ( don't have to start from scratch) (4LR)
- Go to componenttechnology.org (less technical (4LS)
- Missing - role of upper ontologies to link disparate ontologies - may not unify unless you have a common conceptual vocabulary (4LT)
- costs 10-20 million for a year or two (4LU)
- Common vocabulary - intereting (4LV)
- future workshop topic (4LW)
- Jim Schoening - common upper ontology - Army Procurement Command (4LX)
- SWANS conference is funded (4LY)