Art Botterell (37TO)
Member of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (37TP)
Art Botterell is a nationally recognized expert in emergency communications who has served on the front lines of response to some of the biggest national disasters in recent U.S. history. He has played a leadership role in the development of the California Emergency Digital Information Service (EDIS) and the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) – the first national message format standard for public warning. He currently represents the Partnership for Public Warning on matters pertaining to CAP and related standards issues and is a member of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee. (37TQ)
The mission of the OASIS EMTC is to create incident and emergency-related standards for data interoperability. The TC welcomes participation from members of the emergency management community, developers and implementers, and members of the public concerned with disaster management and response. (37TR)
Former FEMA director James Lee Witt has hailed him as a “national asset.” He has played a leadership role in the development of the California EDIS system and the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) – the first national message format standard for public warning. He currently represents the Partnership for Public Warning on matters pertaining to CAP and related standards issues. An experienced analyst, technician, producer, writer and manager, Art Botterell specializes in finding new ways to help people understand a changing world. (4ID) (4IE)