ArchitecturePlus Seminar, December 4, 2007 (3TLB)
- Welcome and Introduction: Mike Dunham (3TLC)
- Overview of "Enterprise Architecture - the Next Phase": Dick Burk (3TLH)
- Build on and go forward to not miss a step in agencies especially (3TLI)
- Review successes and failures (3TLJ)
- Agenda constructed around those that have done well, networking, and panel (3TLK)
- Everyone thinks they are unique like snowflakes, but have lots in common (3TLL)
- Still asking questions about value - have a better packing of EA materials (3TLM)
- Need to articulate to the business side of our agencies otherwise viewed as overhead, OMB mandate, etc. (3TLN)
- Creates a dilemna in the agencies to address the list of new chalenges (e.g., terrorism, globalization, shift to a knowledgebase economy, the Silver Tsunami (aging and diversity of the workforce), advances in science and technology, quality of life, etc.) (3TLO)
- Especially the following paradigm shifts: Web 2.0, Net-Generation, Social Networking, and Mass Collaboration (3TLP)
- Deal with these by more focus of the citizen and cross-agency initiatives, help our managers with the new public-private partnerships, move towards the truly integrated organization, deal with cross-organization governance, etc. (3TLQ)
- Apply the new Enterprise Architecture Principles, push the rock uphill, set aside the silos, etc. (3TLR)
- Hear from Department of Justice, Department of Interior, and Information Sharing Environment (3TLS)
- FEA Update - Measuring the Value of Enterprise Architecture: Kshemendra Paul (3TLT)
- Here last year in Town Hall on SOA and start of the Practical Guide to Federal SOA - in review now by the authoring team and Chief Architects (3TLU)
- My agenda: Work with the agency chief architects, focus on implementation details, build community and value beyond compliance and budget, etc. See slides. (3TLV)
- FEA Context –Goals and Objectives (9/07) (3TLW)
- Proposed Actions (11/07) (3TLX)
- Recently Updated Policy and Guidance (3TLY)
- Upcoming Annual Agency EA Assessment (Note: Deadline is February 28th not the 29th - only every four years) (3TLZ)
- FEA Practice Guidance (3TM0)
- For Further Information: See Web Site (3TM1)
- Count 40 E-Government Initiatives (more than the original 24): Now count NIEM, ISE, Trusted Internet Connections, etc. (3TM2)
- Three new Tiger Teams: Segment Architecture (Colleen Coggins, Leads), Project Management, and Infrastructure Management (last two in planning) (3TM3)
- Updates: See Practice Guidance (2007), Reference Models, etc. (3TM4)
- Questions: How follow Dick Burk? Answer: First, I have to upgrade my wardrobe! :) (3TM9)
- At the Department of the Interior-How to Deliver Value to the Business Bureaus in a Cabinet Agency: Colleen Coggins (3TM5)
- DOI’s EA Program is a Service Provider to our Business and IT communities and therefore must be responsive to our customers’ needs (3TM6)
- As a Service Provider, DOI’s EA Program Engages it’s Investment Review Board in Selecting Business Areas to Architect (3TMA)
- DOI’s EA Program also provides Business Transformation Services on a Fee-For-Service Basis to DOI Programs (3TMB)
- OMB’s FEA Practice Guidance sets the stage for measuring EA Value in Federal Agencies (3TMC)
- DOI Also Established GPRA Measures to Gauge EA Value (3TMD)
- Recreation Modernization Blueprint Example: Recreation Community of Interest (COI) (one million annual visits) (3TME)
- Target Architecture for Recreation One Stop was developed as part of an Inter-agency Architecture Blueprinting Effort (3TMF)
- The PMA Initiative Recreation One Stop took a major step forward with the implementation and deployment of the National Recreation Reservation Service (NRRS). The NRRS is featured at the all new and provides one-stop shopping for the citizen’s recreation needs. (3TMG)
- DOI has identified key lessons learned to improve its EA Value Measurement Framework (3TMH)
- Information Sharing Environment-How to Deliver Value Acorss the Information Sharing Agencies: Ken Clark (3TM7)
- Show EA Value with One Example: ISE (3TMN)
- IRTPA Section 1016: Creating the ISE (3TMO)
- National Strategy for Information Sharing (3TMP)
- Elements of National Strategy for Information Sharing (e.g. support State and major urban area fusion centers) (3TMQ)
- ISE Implementation Plan: See Web Site (3TMR)
- Who is the ISE?: Multiple Communities of Interest, Multiple User Types, and Multiple Governmental and Non-governmental Entities (3TMS)
- Why ISE Architecture and Common Standards Program? (3TMT)
- ISE Enterprise Architecture Framework, Version 1.0 (like FEAF) (3TMU)
- ISE EAF – Architect’s & Implementer’s Views (have both views and alignment with FEA Reference Models) (Don't call it SOA, but Service-Based) (3TMV)
- Impact of an EAF for the ISE (Three ways to share information - now in the FEA BRM) (3TMW)
- ISE EAF: Application and Services (3TMX)
- FEA-ISE Profile, Version 1.0 (3TMY)
- Using the ISE EAF and FEA-ISE Profile (3TMZ)
- ISE Standards Objective (3TN0)
- Taxonomy of the CTISS (Need for new standards: Suspicious activity, etc.) (3TN1)
- Common Terrorism Information Sharing Standards (Complex Pyramid - across three security domains - Relationships established with the National Information Exchange Model and DOD/IC U-Core to assist in developing and harmonizing standards across the ISE) (3TN2)
- Questions: None (3TN3)
Networking Break (20 minutes) (3TN6)
- Panel: This is an open forum for attendees to ask questions of the speakers, and also offer views of how EA can realize the goal to deliver vale to the enterprises they serve (3TM8)
- First Question: How to get funding for EA services? (3TN7)
- Colleen Coggins: Invite business prople to submit requirements and respond with suite of services (treated as a business and measure satisfaction) (3TNC)
- Mike Tiemann: How many bureaus have gone elsewhere and their reasons? What kind of services, volume, management structure, etc. (3TND)
- Colleen Coggins: Don't have hard statistics, just track pulse across the Department, lots of service users by quality of service, NPS using a contractor for SOA Support Services, etc. (3TNE)
- Jim Rolfes: Confirms NPS SOA experience - have repository (agency-wide) (3TNF)
- Mike Tiemann: How about using this government-wide? (3TNG)
- Kshemendra Paul: DoI EA work is really advanced and could try that. Colleen is leading new Segment Architecture Tiger Team. (3TNH)
- Steve Hudock: DoI had the advantage of already the business people involved in the EA program (3TNI)
- Colleen Coggins: Success breeds more success. (3TNJ)
- John Sullivan: Provide EA services to help get started but not for Segment Architectures and so they are asking why do we need one. A learning challenge to get them to do it. (3TNK)
- Lisa Jenkins: Doing the Land Segment Architecture at the US EPA and it really helps with the cleanup activity. What does DoI's SA folded back into the overall EA look like? (3TNL)
- Colleen Coggins: Reconciles the overall EA deliverables and all the Bureau architects see these and expose links so the EA community can see where the assets are that can be used and reused. (3TNM)
- Dick Burk: Found that a common reporting service was needed for several segments and since everything HUD does touches the ground, everthing needs a centralized GIS. (3TNN)
- Kurt Holmes: Relationship between EA and ITIL - IT Service Management. (3TNO)
- Kshemendra Paul: This is the largest area of expenditures in the Federal Government. Important to ISE. (3TNP)
- Ken Clark: Yes, and part of ISE plan and need to apply ITIL principles. (3TNQ)
- John Dodd: Tell us about EA analysis - promotional spin to sell it. (3TNR)
- Kshemendra Paul: Three models - (1) classic of focusing on a segment and developing a relationship with business owners, (2) at Justice focused on information sharing - global focus - used external NIEM to drive agency EA (3TNS)
- Dick Burk: Quality of the Product, Quality of the Individual Delivering the Product, and "External Stick" from OMB or Severe Budget Cut to Program (Nothing Stimulates the Imagination of the Organization Like a Budget Cut) - Why New Work with Resource Managers is So Important - You can do the same thing within your agency (3TNT)
- Name Unknown: Terrorist Information Sharing Center - got some (3TNU)
- Bill Jennings: COBIT - See Web Site (3TNV)
- First Question: How to get funding for EA services? (3TN7)