Anil Saldhana (40PW)
Occupation: (40Q9)
Anil is the Lead Security Architect, Middleware, Red Hat Inc ( (40PX)
Standards Work: (40QA)
He represents Red Hat at International Standards Organizations (including W3C, Oasis, Java Community Process) in software security related technical committees. (41X5)
- He is the co-chair of the Oasis Identity In The Cloud Technical Committee. (IDCloud) ( (42NP)
- He is currently the co-chair of Oasis Cross Enterprise Privacy and Authorization (XSPA) Technical Committee ( and the Oasis Enterprise Key Management Initiative (EKMI) TC. (41X6)
- He is the Secretary of the Oasis Security Services (SAML) TC. (41X7)
- He is the co-editor of W3C Security specification ( ). (40PY)
Program Committees: (40QB)
- Identity Management 2009 Program Committee, Oasis and NIST ( (41XW)
- NIST IDTrust 2009 Program Committee ( (40PZ)
- Oasis Security Forum 2008 Program Committee, London ( ) (40Q0)
- Oasis IDTrust Steering Committee ( (40Q1)
Conferences: (40Q2)
- Cloud Identity Summit 2010, "Oasis Identity In The Cloud TC", July 2010 (42O8)
- Panel Chair, "Federated Key Management", Oasis-NIST Identity Management Conference, September 2009. (41Y7)
- Chair, Oasis Security Workshop at European Identity Conference, Munich, May 2009. (41X8)
- Session Chair and main speaker, "Browser Security", NIST IDTrust Conference 2009, April 2009. (41Y8)
- DHS 10th Semi-Annual Software Assurance Forum (SwA) (, March 10-12, 2009, MITRE, spoke on "Assurances with Open Source". Slides at ( (41XD)
- DHS 9th Semi-Annual Software Assurance Forum (SwA) (, spoke on "Securing Open Source". Slides at ( (40Q3)
- Panel Moderator and speaker, Oasis Open Standards Forum, London, October 2008. ( (41X9)
- NIST IDTrust 2008, panel on Oasis XACML ( (40Q4)
- GSA Expedition Workspace on Identity Management Landscape for National Preparedness and Response (, spoke on Oasis SAML and XACML (40Q5)
- W3C eGovernment and the Web Workshop, spoke on "Secure eGovernment Portals" ( (40Q6)
- Computer Security Institute Conference 2007, Washington DC, "Robust Web Based Security Using Oasis SAML and XACML" ( (4175)
- ApacheCon Europe 2007, Amsterdam, April 2007, "Understanding Apache Tomcat Security" ( (4176)
- JBoss World 2008, 2007, 2006 and 2005 (4177)
Interoperability Events: (4178)
- Oasis XACML Interoperability Event at Burton Catalyst Conference 2007 ( (4179)
- Oasis XACML Interoperability Event at RSA Conference 2008 ( (417A)
- Oasis XSPA Advanced Technology Demonstration at HIMSS 2009 ( (41XA)
Areas of Expertise (41XB)
- Software Security and Cybersecurity. (41XC)
Leadership Roles (41XE)
- Lead Security Architect, Middleware, Red Hat Inc. (41XF)
- Technical Lead, JBoss Common Criteria Evaluation. (41XH)
- Vice President, Chicago Java Users Group (2003-2007). (41XG)
Contact: (40QC)
Email: ANIL(dot)Saldhana AT REDHAT(dot)COM (40Q7)