ANDREW A. WHITE is a Senior Consultant at Stat Tech, Inc. He provides expert advice to the Key National Indicators Initiative as well as the NICS, and works with a variety of federal and private clients. His previous title was Director of the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT). During his CNSTAT career, he developed and provided oversight to over 35 studies on a diverse range of topics, and served as study director for projects on census methods, social science research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and new directions for health statistics. He also advised the Institute of Medicine, Congress, and Federal statistical agency heads on technical and statistical policy matters. He is a former executive staff member, research staff chief, and senior survey designer for the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Dr. White has written numerous articles and technical reports and lectured on a wide variety of statistical and survey related topics. He served as senior statistician for several national surveys including the National Health Interview Survey and the National Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and provided statistical advice to other countries through the NCHS international statistics program. Dr. White holds a B.A. in political science, an M.P.H., and a Ph.D. degree in biostatistics from the University of Michigan. (926)