RETURN to WikiWell or to : How To Start A Wiki (3OUE)
This is a list of publication references that specifically discuss Wiki use and functionality and/ or collaborative and/ or collective group behavior in information environments. (3OU9)
Publications on Wiki's (3OU6)
- Bruns, Axel, and Sal Humphreys. "Wikis in Teaching and Assessment: The M_Cyclopedia Project." Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis. ACM Press, 2005. 23 Aug. 2007 Proceedings Paper in PDF format (3OUJ)
Publications specifically addressing Collaboration (3OU7)
- It Seemed Like The Thing To Do At The Time - The Power of State of Mind by Joe Lamantia on 2007/06/27 see Lessons From Failure Part 1 (3OUB)
Publications specifically addressing Group Behavior in Information Settings (3OU8)
- Choo, C.W., Furness, C., Paquette, S., Van Den Berg, H., Detlor, B., Bergeron, P., Heaton, L. Working with information: Information management and culture in a professional services organization (2006) Journal of Information Science, 32 (6), pp. 491-510. (NIH only) DOCUMENT TYPE: Article SOURCE: Scopus (3OUN)
- D. Marchand, W. Kettinger and J. Rollins, Information Orientation: the Link to Business Performance. (Oxford University Press, New York, 2001). '''Comment: Discussed are Six Critical Success Factors (3OUG)