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[wtkn-forum] WTKN Sept Presentation 9/29, 1:30 to 3 PDT

To: "Western Transportation Knowlege Network" <wtkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Szolomayer, Kathy" <SzolomK@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 10:01:01 -0700
Message-id: <922A649C56B0744C89B1D3ABC71B0357035CA632@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Please join us as David Cun of Honda R&D Americas, Inc. delivers a presentation on the basics of hydrogen/fuel cells and highlights the unique characteristics of Honda’s Clarity.


NOTE: The phone bridge will accommodate a maximum of 25 callers, so participants from the same location are encouraged to join up on 1 phone line/computer.


1.  Please join my meeting.



2.  Join the conference call:

To access this phone bridge, dial 360-709-8060 (x8060 for WSDOT callers), and when prompted, use the pass code of 1073030.


Meeting ID: 986-147-513



Sent on behalf of:


Kendra K. Levine
Reference Librarian
Institute of Transportation Studies Library
412 McLaughlin Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1720



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  • [wtkn-forum] WTKN Sept Presentation 9/29, 1:30 to 3 PDT, Szolomayer, Kathy <=