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[wtkn-forum] No meeting today - reschedule for the afternoon of Sept. 29

To: Western Transportation Knowlege Network <wtkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Kendra K. Levine" <klevine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 09:21:41 -0700
Message-id: <AANLkTimj8iKi8k9pF2iq2xJ6Ugu+e+wWpGdYi2oYDyRd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hey WTKNers. I'm sorry I didn't send this out sooner. Unfortunately a number of other projects and things have caught up with me.

In addition to that, our planned guest speaker for today could not make it. In addition to the Pooled Fund meeting. I hate to cancel today's meeting at the last minute, but it seems like the best option.

I would like ot meet Sept 29th in the afternoon instead, with the guest speaker from American Honda presenting. More details will be forthcoming.


Kendra K. Levine
Reference Librarian
Institute of Transportation Studies Library
412 McLaughlin Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1720

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