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[wtkn-forum] Fwd: Reminder: Climate Change Clearinghouse submissions

To: Western Transportation Knowlege Network <wtkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Kendra K. Levine" <klevine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 10:12:19 -0700
Message-id: <AANLkTimm-WR40ym4MTOQrTVYug3oNaGRkj75xvHoO-V7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <Roger.Garren@xxxxxxx>
Date: 21 July 2010 07:33
Subject: Reminder: Climate Change Clearinghouse submissions
To: klevine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, AEmrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, jminotti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Amanda.Wilson@xxxxxxx

Kendra, Amy and Jane,


This is a new reminder to the TKN chairs so you can remind your members about submitting materials for inclusion in the Climate Change Clearinghouse, if they have anything they think should be included.

Here is the situation/process in a nutshell:

It would be great if each Chair could coordinate with your members and send submissions to me (roger.garren@xxxxxxx) in a batch, but if not, you can certainly send submissions as you find/receive them.

Try to make sure that all resources submitted follow these guidelines:

·         Make sure that the item is specific to climate change AND transportation.

·         If possible, only submit resources that have become available in the last quarter (preferably as new as possible).

·         Search the clearinghouse first to make sure that an item is not already in the clearinghouse (http://www.climate.dot.gov/). **We recently improved the search function, so it should be much easier now.  

·         Don’t send editorial materials (such as those from newspapers, etc.). The committee wants the resources to be more scientific and legislative in nature…

·         Make sure that the item has tile, author or publisher, URL, and abstracts if at all possible. But keep in mind this is not meant to be a comprehensive bibliographic database with full citations, cataloging etc. It’s really just a glorified directory or finding aid. You can find specific details on sending materials at this link: http://climate.dot.gov/about-the-center.html

I'll notify you when submissions are received. And, I'll also let you know when and if any resources are rejected, and I'll include an explanation of why.

So, let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!


Roger Garren

Reference Librarian

National Transportation Library

U.S. Dept. of Transportation

Rm. E32-231

1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20590


Phone: 202-366-5684

Fax: 202-366-3385



Kendra K. Levine
Reference Librarian
Institute of Transportation Studies Library
412 McLaughlin Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1720

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