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[soa-forum] Fw: IAC SOA Survey

To: soa-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Niemann.Brand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:13:50 -0500
Message-id: <OF1AF97AC8.9BF98FF6-ON85257270.005351F2-85257270.0053AA10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Please participate in this survey to help both the IAC/SOA Committee's important work and the SOA CoP plan the 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference (late May-early June).
Thank you, Brand
SOA CoP Co-Chair
-----Forwarded by Brand Niemann/DC/USEPA/US on 01/27/2007 10:11AM -----

To: Brand Niemann/DC/USEPA/US@EPA
From: Debbie Brown <brownde3@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01/22/2007 02:16PM
Subject: IAC SOA Survey

As you know, the IAC Emerging Technology SIG SOA committee, has been working on a SOA survey that addresses SOA cultural and educational benefits and challenges from the Government perspective.  We would like to get as many participants as possible.  Therefore, we have developed the attached draft memo that you can utilize in order to forward the survey request and URL to your customers and co-workers. This could be an ideal opportunity to increase communications between Governement and industry. The url for the SOA survey is
If you have any quesitons or need addittional information, please feel free to contact me.  
Debbie Brown
IAC SOA Communications Officer
Phone: 301-464-1146, Cell: 301-466-6621

Attachment: Draft SOA survey memo.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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