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Re: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off - Brand's Comme

To: "Brand Nieman" <bniemann@xxxxxxx>, "ONTAC-WG General Discussion" <ontac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: marc.wine@xxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 11:49:03 -0400
Message-id: <OF6D23BE10.FBEE1E66-ON8525709B.0056E38C@xxxxxxx>

Brand and others:

Noted below is Brand's reference to ontologies applied to avian flu related systems.  At the first meeting of the AHIC that I attended last week, Secretary Leavitt and Dr. Brailer emphasized the pandemic surveillance project area.  The HITOP Group might want to consider this area as one possible practical HIT application for potential recommendation.  I'll look at this as I plan for the next HITOP meeting.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: ontac-forum-bounces
  Sent: 10/14/2005 12:39 PM
  To: ONTAC-WG General Discussion" <ontac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Subject: Re: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off - Brand's Comments and Suggestions

All, I have been following the growing support for the ONTAC WG and reading the emails and want to commend Pat and Eric for all their efforts to further organize this and provide some comments and suggestions as follows:
1. Pat asked about participation from the FEA-RMO developers and Rick Murphy is now engaged to help as the principal developer of that ontology.
2. Susan Turnbull, Marc Wine and I meet with the NIH Bioinformatics Forum last Friday (Peter Lyster, Lead) and I suggested a Avian-Flu Ontology-Driven Information System Pilot which I would like to see discussed further say at the early November ONTAC WG meeting, if not before. The idea is to show that oncologists and ontological engineering are agile and can help get ahead of (or at least keep up with) potential information explosions by providing a framework for at least better organizing all the information and possibly even support reasoning across it eventually. Our SICoP Public Meeting on October 20th features a SIA/DRM pilot in which a group of participants developed an "event ontology" to better organize the "chlorine tanker car derailment disaster in South Carolina" last year and then used it to develop an end-to-end Semantic Web application. See http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SICoPPublicMeeting_2005_10_20.
3. Eric Peterson and Mills Davis gave great presentations at our Special SICoP Meeting at the GCN Conference this week (see http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SICoPPublicMeeting_2005_10_12) and we identified another possible high priority pilot, namely, a taxonomy (even ontology) to support the organization of Federal records associated with the investigation of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster. John Paul Dely, the DoE/EIA Records Officer and Chair of FIRM (Federal Information Records Managers Council Board) presented at the GCN Conference and really like the idea and wants our suggested strategy ASAP to present at several upcoming interagency meetings if we can respond that quickly.
4. Finally, Dick Burk, OMB Chief Architect, at the recent Chief Architect Forum Meeting, announced that the FEA-PMO will pursue development of a "real and target" architecture, beyond just the "baseline and taxonomy architecture" that they have now. This is a real opportunity for the ONTAC WG since I think that Roy Roebuck's and Rick Murphy's work show clearly that it should be based on ontologies and an ontological engineering approach.
5. So I suggest an ONTAC WG F2F, or at least teleconference, soon to discuss these three high priority pilot opportunities along with what Eric has outlined below so we can begin to feed this into the CIOC/FEA DRM, NCOR, and other activities coming up on the calendar.
SICoP Chair
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off

Hi folks;


This growing list of support is exciting!


I'm going to exercise the prerogative, which Pat assigned me as COSMO lead, to dispense with formalities and diving right into our business.   To that end, I?ve included a straw-person process for evolving toward a common semantic model.  This is meant strictly as a starting point for discussion.


The straw-person is an attempt to incorporate lessons learned from the Standard Upper Ontology (SUO) effort while offering:

·         short term usable results,

·         respect for and use of existing formal ontological artifacts, and

·         incremental sound formal results.


This approach, I think, includes the key elements that Dr. Sowa asked for in the SUO framework and provides a staging of effort and results that assumes modest amount of effort on our parts.  It also addresses Pat?s desire to be inclusive of the European efforts.


The suggesting steps are as follows:


1.    Choose an existing ontology as the initial embodiment of an ontology integration hub to which other ontologies will be mapped

a.    Agree on a set of metrics for selection of the ontology integration hub

                                                          i.      Metrics must be easily collectable

b.    Agree on candidates for the selection process

c.    Score candidate ontologies according to metrics ? the high scoring upper ontology will become the initial ontology integration hub

2.    Release this ontology as-is as the initial COSMO ontology

3.    Address key short-falls of the hub ontology

a.    Maintain a prioritized list of issues

b.    Agree on resolution as time and interest dictate

4.    Map the structural axioms (ground atomic formulae) of the remaining candidate ontologies to the ontology integration hub

a.    This process proceeds opportunistically as our personal and project time allows

b.    Push out yearly major releases based on achievement of yearly goals

c.    This step runs concurrently with step three

5.    Map the remaining axioms of the remaining candidate ontologies to the ontology integration hub

a.    As desired, such free-form axioms can be added in steps three and four



Please excuse the roughness.  My other tasks beckon.


I look forward suggestions.





Eric Peterson

Chief Ontologist

McDonald Bradley Inc.

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