Partial list of call attendees (I joined late): (01)
Brenda Smith, EPA
Michael Alford, SRA (EPA)
Ken Adee, USFS
Mary McCaffery, AIC
Julia Harrell, NCDENR
Raj Singh, OGC
Kathy Covert, FGDC
Kurt Buehler, DHS/GMO
Twyla McDermott, Charlotte NC
Nadine Alameh, NASA (02)
Pilot is about validating the methodologies in the Geospatial Profile,
not really focused on building an application. Find organizations and a
common line of business - if we give it to them, have them work together
with the methodology on a common thread, see how it helps them improve
and exploit geospatial capabilities. Feedback and update to the Profile
and the Reference Models, develop or identify best practices. (03)
It's about following the standards and practices. Collaboration with AIC
and other Profiles is an important area of outreach. The AIC will be
meeting on the 19th, offer to collaborate and lead to implementation
around a mission critical solution. Disaster management and emergency
response should resonate. Raises awareness to CIO Council senior
leadership and agency connections. (04)
Need this pilot and Profile to reinforce the value of enterprise
architecture in a multi-organizational environment. The problem space
must focus on aligned LoB in multiple organizations. Needs to have
support at a high level that could cause investment and implementation.
Pick LoB that overlaps the most agencies to get maximum penetration.
Look for LoB that have strong State and Local interest. (05)
Need a common understanding of "solutions architecture." Chief
Architects Forum does define "solutions architecture." Perhaps we need
to develop and deliver a solutions architecture and lead to
implementation. Our community can offer guidance on how geospatial
elements can be brought into. A solutions architecture is a subset of
SRM, DRM, and TRM that addresses a specific business requirement. (06)
It is critical to get sense of what senior management feels is most
important -- they lay out LoB and related areas (incl GOS) that are of
high relevance. Recommendations for enhancements to GOS could come from
a pilot. Build up GOS relationship as selling point. (07)
Question: are EAs done by agency and independently, or is there a common
solutions architecture? Answer: Both need to be true - rally around a
common problem or event, make internal EA's align using the direction of
the Profile document to solve internal and external mission needs. (08)
There is a government-wide LoB for emergency management and each hagency
has a business process that implements it. Find agencies that touch
that, evaluate their BRMs together around a problem, to resolve more
detail business processes that define geospatial, yielding common BRM
approaches. (09)
DRM is piloting cross-agency initiatives and specific agency solutions.
Perhaps several agencies may only evaluate the Profile, to supplement
the pilot's collaboration mode. We do not identify BRM elements that are
cross-agency in the way the other profiles do. (010)
Deliver the proposal to the AIC on Jan 19th, request input and feedback
for 'blessing' of senior management on the pilot effort. Declaration of
a common LoB activity would get federal agency resources committed for a
community of practice. (011)
Regarding DRM comment period: Jan 30th can provide changes/changes for
the DRM. Three functions from the Profile need to be propagated in DRM:
develop geospatial policy and standards guidance, implement geospatial
services, disseminate geospatial data to users. The GEOCoP can submit
recommendations. Could take disaster management through these. (012)
Workplan might need elaboration on 1) internal EA versus cross-agency
collaboration environment, and 2) better sense of framing a common
scenario - details to follow from consultation with AIC. (013)
North Carolina DENR will participate at the state level; City of
Charlotte, NC will also participate. Federal agencies have significant
LoB interests and overlaps. (014)
Next steps: take today's comments, hold another discussion prior to the
19th, refine the plan, build a presentation to the AIC to get buy-in and
advice. (015)
Next call: Thursday, January 12 at 1pm EST, same number
Douglas D. Nebert
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Coordinator, Information Architect
FGDC/GSDI Secretariat Phone: +1 703 648 4151 Fax: +1 703 648-5755 (016)
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