All: (01)
We had a fruitful telephonic meeting on June 22, 2005. In this meeting
we edited and approved the charter and work plan for the working group,
reviewed use case scenarios, and discussed the profile writing activity.
The updated charter and work plan will be posted to the WIKI this weekend.
The minutes of the June 22, 2005 meeting have been posted to the WIKI as
<>. (02)
The next meeting of the Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Community of
Practice Working Group will be Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at the OGC
Herndon, VA Office from 10:00 to 15:00. Directions to the Herndon office
are: (03)
Meeting details will be provided as they are known to the WIKI as
<>. (04)
The agenda will be as follows:
1. Background and status to date - 15 minutes - DougNebert
2. Scenario discussion and vote to select one scenario with use cases -
30 minutes - DougNebert
3. Agency briefs: (60 minutes)
a. CIA
b. NASA/BAH Return on Investment Presentation (Tentative)
4. NASCIO Enterprise Architecture Brief (Tentative)
5. Geospatial Profile Development - All
a. Identify priority reference models for guidance
Should these be done in parallel, overlap, serially?
Discussion of formal relationship with DRM effort
b. Identify participant teams to author RM guidance
Specify the approach to building the Profile document. (05)
Please take a few minutes to review the action items from our last
<>. For
convenience, we have listed action items identified for group action
below. (06)
1. GEA COP WG participants to review the use case scenarios and be
prepared to select one for the group to use as the focal point for
further profile creation activity. The use cases page is
<>. (07)
Ongoing Actions: (08)
1. GEA COP WG participants should immediately go here (09)
and establish an account on WIKI.
2. The group is to identify an administrator to represent the
interests of the GeoSpatialCommunityofPractice
3. The group is to consider the measures of success and related
target goals for this effort. How do we know if/when we have
succeeded? (010)
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