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[geo-forum] Agenda and logistics for June 1Geospatial EA Meeting

To: Geospatial EA Working Group <geo-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Doug Nebert <ddnebert@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 12:06:56 -0400
Message-id: <429745A0.6010706@xxxxxxxx>
As promised, here is more detail for our Geospatial EA work sesison on the 1st of June.  The meeting will take place from 9:00am to 3:30pm EDT at the US Forest Service Building, 1621 N. Kent Street, Rosslyn, VA in Room 703.  Please note that security measures are in place – a valid ID will be required for entry, and all incoming material will be subject to screening. Detailed directions are at the end of this message. For those interested in teleconference participation, there will be a dial-in line available for the duration of the meeting: (866) 624-2994, passcode: 9504644.

Proposed Agenda:


Welcome / Introductions                                                 Doug / Mark


Review and Update on Actions from Last Meeting             Sam

  • Summary of Use Case
  • Glossary / Terms
  • Geospatial Enterprise Architecture WG Charter


Agency EA Presentations (Tentative):                                 

  •  NOAA, Ira Grossman, CIO
  • USGS, Joan Helmrich/Kevin Hope
  • NASA, Marge Cole
  • Kentucky Landscape Project, Sam Bacharach/Susan Lambert


Geospatial Profile Discussions                                        All


A facilitated discussion on ideas concerning the construct of the Geospatial Profile.  The goal of this session will be to generate an initial draft outline for the Geospatial Profile for continued advancement by the group in the coming months.


Wrap Up / Schedule Review                                            Sam


Preparation for the meeting: 


Please take a few minutes to review the action items from our last meeting.  For convenience, I have listed action items identified for group action below.   Your review and familiarity with the FEA Security Profile will be important for our initial discussions on the GEA Profile.  Also, please take a few minutes to document in a paragraph or two, your thoughts on focused use cases for the group to consider in planning for piloting of the Geospatial Profile in the context of inter-organizational programs.


1)      Review FEA Security Profile

2)   GEA WG participants should immediately go to the following URL and establish an account on WIKI.

3)      GEA WG participants should review and comment on a draft Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Charter. The Chair requested that comments on this document be forwarded to the group email list before the next meeting.

4)      GEA WG Members should consider and identify use cases for use in driving Geospatial Profile development and follow on operational validation.  Priority should be applied to identify use cases by the next meeting on 1 June 2005.

5)      The group is to identify an administrator to represent the interests of the GeoCOP

6)      The group is to consider the measures of success and related target goals for this effort. How do we know if/when we have succeeded?

Directions to USFS offices:
Metro: Orange and Blue Lines to Rosslyn Virginia. Exit on Moore Street side of station (not Ft Myers Drive). Cross Lynn Street, heading east (downhill). Pass Orleans House Restaurant. Cross North Kent Street. Take stairs to terrace. Cross terrace to North Tower #6121. Take elevator to the 7th Floor. Betsy Kanalley is the contact, (240) 285-3437.

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  • [geo-forum] Agenda and logistics for June 1Geospatial EA Meeting, Doug Nebert <=