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[etkn-forum] Data collection among ETKN members

To: Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network <etkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Minotti, Jane (DOT)" <jminotti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 12:11:27 -0500
Message-id: <57433FF948E2C5438D1F70F0CCD165A90CCEB4ACA1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello, ETKN’ers:


NYSDOT is a member of the Transportation Library Connectivity and Development Pooled Fund, the new and enhanced project following on the footsteps of the just-concluded Transportation Library Connectivity Pooled Fund. As part of our new project, it has been proposed that we attempt to collect some statistics to help generate findings on how pooled fund membership impacts the members.


A.J. Million ( anthony.million@xxxxxxxxxx )   is the librarian from Missouri DOT (the lead agency for this new pooled fund) and he has asked for input from ETKN members, whether Pooled Fund members or not,  regarding data collection and /or reporting. His questions are below (plus one of mine):



How much interest is there in interchangeable and/or comparable data among members?


If there is interest, which of the following areas are most valuable? (Note: the following list is from MTKN.)


1. Circulation

2. ILL – Out

3. ILL – In

4. Number of Long Reference Questions

5. Number of Short Reference Questions

6. Original Items Cataloged

7. Items Copy Cataloged

8. (This last question is mine)  Do you collect these types of data now?



I will be happy  to forward any responses to A.J. and/or take any questions to him. If we are going to collect data, we want it to be as useful and valuable as possible, especially to lay groundwork for further studies or perhaps use in return on investment calculations.  As the Pooled Fund refines this data collection idea, it will be very helpful to know if there’s a broad interest within the wider community in data collection along these lines.  Please send your responses to me by December 15 if possible.


Also, just a reminder to send along your nominations for ETKN officers for 2011.  We are looking to fill the positions of Chair-Elect and Secretary. 


Thanks for your time and input--





Jane Minotti
Librarian, Research Library
NYS Department of Transportation
50 Wolf Road POD 3-4
Albany, NY  12232
518-457-7535 (FAX)


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