Susan & Karl, (01)
We have updated our CWE file workspace structure and access policy, to
something which we believe is more intuitive. (02)
Changes effected are as follows: (03)
1. The directory previously named "project" is now called "work" (we
believe this will allow people to put away both project and
non-project work (like job routines, administrative work, etc.) into
that folder. (04)
2. The directory previously named "private" is now called "community"
(as "private" could be misleading. The content in that folder is still
expected to be shared among the members of the community.) (05)
3. I have moved all previous contents in the SINE and COLAB file
workspace according to the above change. (06)
4. I have updated the SINE and COLAB site portal pages to reflect the
new changes. (07)
5. A File Workspace Access page - with the new file strcture, access
policies and instruction on setting up the access is now available at: (08)
Feel free to contact me if there is any question. (09)
Regards. -ppy (010)
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