FEA DRM Registry: Information Resource Management Community of Interest

FEA DRM Registry: > Information Resource Management Community of Interest > Topic: "support services"

This page lists all of the related topics for support services, organized in order of importance. Also displayed are related resources with text abstracts, with hits highlighted in red.

    support services costs for Major Cyber Security Initiatives include those costs associated with project management and direct support for the project as well as the cost associated with maintaining current capability and performance level.
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The Digital Asset services Domain defines the set of capabilities that support the generation, management and distribution of intellectual capital and electronic media across the business and extended enterprise.
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    One of seven Service Domains of the SRM. The support services Domain consists of the cross-functional capabilities that can be leveraged independent of Service Domain objective or mission. This Service Domain consists of 6 Service Types and 31 Components.
  • Department of the Interior
    (3) FIP resources and facilities (including telecommunications, hardware, software, and support services);
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    support services:
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    Defines the set of capabilities that are used to plan and control the activities between an organization, its stakeholders and business partners, including third parties that support services to an organization’s stakeholders.
  • Information Technology Management Guide
    (B) The term information technology' includes computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources.
  • Strategic Plan - FY 2000-2005
    Provisions for support services
  • Internal Revenue Manual - 1.1.14 Management and Finance
    Provides functional support and services for AFS and related subsidiary financial systems related to systems integration, and,
  • DHHS Call for the Five Year IRM Plan
    To effectively support the Department's mission, the IRM program must ensure that funds are expended only for information system investments which take into consideration risk-adjusted return and emphasize interoperability, improved delivery of services and reduced costs where possible.
  • Internal Revenue Manual - 6.250.1 Policies, Requirements ...
    Monitoring activities of the shared services’ organization in delivery of HR support;
  • IRM Strategic Plan, 1997-2001
    The business opportunity noted above is for the possible consolidated support of the CDC Computer Center in Atlanta, GA. This contract could include hardware, software, maintenance, and support services for data center technology. The contract is projected to be for 5 years.
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The Digital Asset services Domain defines the set of capabilities that support the generation, management and distribution of intellectual capital and electronic media across the business and extended enterprise.
  • Office of Management and Budget
    (ii) The Standards Profile defines the set of IT standards that support the services articulated in the TRM. Agencies are expected to adopt standards necessary to support the entire EA, which must be enforced consistently throughout the agency.
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    support services
  • NRC: OIG/98A-07 - Review of NRC's Controls Over The PC Refresh Program
    7. Applied Management Systems, Inc. is the OCIO contractor providing NRC with microcomputer support services which include upgrading agency PCs under the PC Refresh program.
  • GAO-04-798T, Information Technology: The Federal Enterprise ...
    Service domain: support services; Description: Cross-functional capabilities that are independent of service domains; Service types: Security management, systems management, forms, communication, collaboration, and search.

Created on Saturday, May 14, 2005

Disclaimer: This product is a notional example of a fictitious community of interest for the sole use of illustrating a potential "use case" for the upcoming version of the FEA DRM currently under development. This should not be used for any type of official purpose. This product should not be displayed or distributed outside of the Federal Interagency DRM Work Group.