a abbreviate abbreviated abbreviates abbreviating abilities ability able abnormal abode about above abroad absence absences absent absently absents absolute absolutely absorb absorbant absorbed absorbing absorbs accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating acceleration accelerator accelerators accept acceptability acceptable acceptableness acceptably acceptance acceptation accepted accepting accepts access accessed accesses accessible accessing accident accidental accidentally accidents accompanied accompanies accompany accompanying accomplish accomplished accomplishes accomplishing accomplishment accomplishments accordance according accordingly account accounted accounting accounts ache ached aches achieve achieved achievement achievements achieves achieving aching acid acidic acids acorn acorns across act acted acting action actions activate activated activates activation active actively activeness activities activity actor actors actress acts actual actually add added adding addition additional additionally additions address addressed addresses addressing adds adjacent adjective adjectives adjust adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments adjusts admiration admire admired admirer admirers admires admiring admiringly admission admissions admit admits admittance admittances admitted admitting adult adultly adultness adults advance advanced advancer advancers advances advancing advantage advantages adventure adventurer adventurers adventures adverb adverbs advertise advertised advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertises advertising advice advise advised advisedly advisedness adviser advisers advises advising advisor advisors affair affairs affect affect affected affecting affection affections affects afford afforded affording affords afraid Africa African after afternoon afternoons afterwards again against age aged agencies agency agent agent agents agents ages aging ago agree agreed agreeing agreement agreements agrees ahead aim aimed aiming aims air aircraft airforce airplane airplanes airport airports airs al. alcohol alcohols align aligned aligning aligns alike alikeness alimentary canal alimentary canals alive aliveness all alliance alliances allied allies allow allowed allowing allows ally almost alone along aloud alpha alphabet alphabetically alphabets already also although altogether always am among amount amounts amuse amused amusement amusements amuses amusing amusingly an ancient ancientness ancients and anger angered angering angers angle angles angrier angriest angry animal animals animation ankle ankles annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoying annoys another answer answered answering answers ant ants anus anuses anxiety anxious anxiously anxiousness any anybody anyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apparatus apparent apparently appear appearance appearances appeared appearing appears apple apples applied applies apply applying appoint appointed appointing appoints approval approvals approve approved approves approving approvingly approximately April arch arched arching are area areas argue argued arguer argues arguing argument arguments arisen arm armament armaments armed armies arming armor armored armoring armors armour arms army arose around arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arranger arrangers arranges arranging arrival arrivals arrive arrived arriver arrivers arrives arriving art article articles artifact artifacts artifactual artificial artificiality artificially artificialness arts as ash ashamed ashamedly ashes Asia Asian aside asides ask asked asking asks asleep assert asserted asserting asserts assign assigned assigning assigns association associations assure assured assures assuring at ate atom atomic atoms attach attached attaches attaching attack attacked attacking attacks attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendance attended attending attends attention attentions attitude attitudes attract attracted attracting attraction attractive attractively attractiveness attracts attribute attributes August aunt aunts authorities authority autumn autumns avenue average averaged averages averaging avoid avoided avoiding avoids awake awakened awakening awakes aware awareness away awkward awkwardly awkwardness awoke awoken baby back backbone backbones background backgrounds backs backward backwardly backwardness backwards bacteria bacterial bacterially bacterium bad badly badness bag baggage bags bake baked baker bakers bakes baking balance balanced balances balancing ball balls banana bananas band bands bank banks bar bare barely bareness barer barest bark barred barrel barrels barring bars base based bases basic basin basing basins basket baskets bath bathe bathed bather bathers bathes bathing bathroom bathrooms baths battle battled battler battlers battles battling be bead beads beak beaks beam beams bean beans bear beard bearded beards bearing bears beast beasts beat beaten beats beautiful beautifully beauty became because become becomes bed beds bee been beer beers bees before beg began begin beginning beginnings begins begot begs begun behave behaved behaves behaving behavior behaviors behaviour behaviours behind being beings belief beliefs believe believed believer believers believes believing bell bells belong belonged belonging belongs below belt belts bend bends beneath bent bereaved bereaving bereft berry beside besides best bet beta betted better betters betting between betweens beyond bicycle bicycler bicyclers bicycles bicyclic bid bidden bidder big bigger biggest bigness bill billed billing billion billionth bills binary bind binding binds biological biology bird birds birth birthday birthdays births bit bite biter biters bites bits bitten bitter bitterer bitterest bitterly bitterness bitters black blacker blackest blackness blacks blade blades blame blamed blamer blamers blames blaming blank bled bleed bleeding bleeds bless blessed blessedly blessedness blesses blessing blest blew blind blinded blinder blindest blinding blindly blindness blinds block blocked blocking blocks blood bloods blow blown blows blue bluer bluest board boarded boarding boards boat boats bodies body boil boiled boiling boils bomb bombed bomber bombing bombs bond bonded bonds bone bones book books boot boots border bordered bordering borders bore born borne borrow borrowed borrowing borrows both bottle bottled bottler bottlers bottles bottling bottom bottoms bought boulevard bound bowels bowl bowls box boy boys brain brains brake braked brakes braking branch branched branching brass brave braved bravely braveness braver braver braves bravest braving bread breaded breading breads breadth breadths break breakfast breakfasts breaking breaks breast breasts breath breathe breathed breathed breather breathers breathes breathing breaths bred breed breeds brick bricks bridge bridged bridges bridging bright brighter brightest brightly brightness brine bring brings broad broadcast broadcasted broadcasting broadcasts broader broadest broadly broadness broads broke broken brokenness broker brokers brother brotherliness brotherly brothers brought brown browner brownest browns brush brushed brushing bucket buckets build builded building buildings builds built bulb bulbs bullet bullets bunch bunched bunching burial burials burn burned burning burns burnt burst bursts bury bus bush busier busiest business busy but butter butters button buttons buy buys by cage cages cake cakes calcium calcium carbonate calculate calculated calculatedly calculates calculating calculatingly calculation calculator calculators call called caller calling calls calm calmer calmest calmly calmness calms came camera cameras camp camped camping camps can candle candles cannot cans can't cap capacity capacities capital capitals caps captain captains caption captions car carbon carbon backbone carbon backbones card cardboard cards care cared careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness cares caring carriage carriages carried carries carry carrying cars cart carts case cases casing castle castles cat catch catching categories categorize categorized categorizing category cats cattle caught causal causation causative cause caused causes causing caution ceiling ceilings Celsius cell cells cellulose center centers centimeter centimeters central centuries century ceramic certain certainly certainty chain chains chalk chance chances change changed changes changing channel channels character characteristic characteristics charge charges cheap cheaper cheapest check checked checking checks cheer cheerful cheers cheese cheeses chemical chemical bond chemical bonds chemical compound chemical compounds chemical group chemical groups chemicals chemically chemicals chemist chemistry cheque cheques chest chests chicken chickens chief chiefly chiefs child childhood childhoods children chimney chimneys chin china chinaware chins chocolate chocolates choice choices choose chooser choosers chooses choosing chose chosen church churches cigarette cigarettes cinema cinemas circle circles circular circulation cities citizen citizens city civilization civilizations claim claimed claiming claims clarified clarifies clarify clarity class classification classifications classified classifies classify classifying clay clays clean cleaned cleaner cleanest cleaning cleanlier cleanliest cleanliness cleanly cleanness cleans clear cleared clearer clearest clearing clearly clearness clears clerk clerks clever cleverer cleverest cleverly cleverness click clicked clicks cliff cliffs climb climbed climbing climbs clock clocks clockwork clockworks close closed closely closeness closer closer closers closes closest closing cloth clothe clothed clothes clothing cloths cloud clouds cloudy club clubs coal coals coast coasted coasting coasts coat coats coffee coffees coin coins cold colder coldest coldly coldness colds collar collars collect collected collecting collection collectively collects college colleges color colored coloring colors colour coloured comb combed combination combinations combine combined combiner combiners combines combing combining combs come comes comfort comfortable comfortableness comfortably comforted comforting comforts coming command commanded commanding commands comment commented commenting committee committees common commoner commoners commonest commonly commonness commons communicate communicated communicates communicating communication communications companion companions company compare compared comparer comparers compares comparing comparison comparisons compensate compensated compensating compensation compensator compensators compete competed competes competing competition competitions competitor competitors complain complained complaining complains complaint complaints complete completed completely completeness completes completing completion complex complexity complicated component components compose composed composer composers composes composing composition compositions compound compounds compress compressed compresses compressible compressing computable computation compute computed computer computers computes computing concern concerned concerning concerns concert concerted concertedly concerting concerts condition conditions conduit conduits confidence confidences confident confidently confuse confused confusedly confuses confusing confusingly confusion connect connected connecting connection connects conscience consciences conscious consciously consciousness consequently consider considered considering considers consist consisted consistent consisting consists consonant consonants constant constants constitute constituted constitutes constituting construct constructed constructer constructing construction constructs contact contacted contacting contacts contain contained container containers containing contains content contention contents continent continents continuation continue continued continues continuing continuous continuously continuousness contract contracted contracting contraction contracts contradict contradicted contradicting contradiction contradicts contrast contrasted contrasting contrasts contribute contributed contributes contributing contribution contributions contrition control controlled controller controlling controls convenience convenient conveniently convention conversation conversations convert converted converting converts convex convex hull convex hulls convey conveyed conveying conveys conveyance conveyances cook cooked cooking cooks cool cooled cooler coolest cooling coolly coolness cools copper coppers copy cord cords cork corn corned corner corners corning corns correct corrected correcting correction correctly correctness corrects cost costlier costliest costliness costly costs cotton cottoned cottoning cottons cough coughed coughing coughs could couldn't council councils count counted counting country counts couple couples courage course courses court courtlier courtliest courtliness courtly courts cover covered covering covers cow coward cowardliness cowardly cowardly cowards cows crack cracked cracking cracks crash crashed crashing cream creams create created creates creating creation creations creator creature creatures credit credits creep creeps crept cricket crickets cried crime crimes criminal criminally criminals crop crops cross crossed crossing crossly crossness crowd crowded crowdedness crowding crowds crude crudeness cruder crudest cruel crueler cruelest cruelly cruelty crush crushed crushing cry cultivate cultivated cultivates cultivating cultivation cultivator cultivators cup cupboard cupboards cups cure cured curer curers cures curing curl curled curling curls current currently currentness currents curse cursed cursedly cursedness curser cursers curses cursing cursor curtain curtained curtaining curtains curve curved curves curving cushion cushions custom customer customers customize customized customizes customizing customs cut cuts cycle cycled cycler cyclers cycles cyclic cycling daily damage damaged damager damagers damages damaging damagingly dance danced dancer dancers dancing danger dangerous dangerously dangerousness dangers dare dared darer darers dares daring daring daringly daringness dark darkly darkness date dated dater daters dates dating daughter daughterly daughters day days dead deader deadest deadlier deadliest deadliness deadly deadness deal deals dealt dear dearer dearest dearly dearness dears death deathly deaths debt debtor debts decay decayed decaying decays deceit deceits deceive deceived deceiver deceivers deceives deceiving deceivingly decelerate decelerated decelerating deceleration decelerator decelerators December decide decided decidedly decider deciders decides deciding decimal decimals decimation decision decisions declaration declarations declare declared declarer declarers declares declaring decorate decorated decorates decorating decoration decorations decorator decorators decrease decreased decreases decreasing deep deeper deepest deeply deepness deeps deer defeat defeated defeating defeats defence defend defended defending defends define defined defines defining definition definitions degree degrees delay delayed delaying delays delete deleted deletes deleting deletion deletions delicate delicately delicateness delight delighted delightedly delighting delights deliver delivered delivering delivers demand demanded demanding demands denied denies dense densities density deny denying deoxynucleotide deoxynucleotides deoxyribonucleic acid deoxyribonucleic acids deoxyribonucleotide deoxyribonucleotides deoxyribose deoxyriboses department departments depend depended dependent dependently dependents depending depends depict depicted depicting depiction depicts depth depths derive derived derives deriving descend descended descending descends describe described describer describers describes describing description descriptions descriptive desert deserted deserting desertion deserts deserve deserved deservedly deserves deserving deservingly design designed designer designers designing designs desirable desire desired desirer desirers desires desiring desk desks destroy destroyed destroying destroys destruction destructions detail details detect detected detecting detection detects determination determinations determined determinedly determinedness determining develop developed developing development developments develops device devices devil devils dial dialog dialogs dialogue dialogues dials diameter diameters diamond diamonds diction dictionaries dictionary did didn't die died dies difference differences different differently difficult difficulty dig digestion digs dimension dimensions dinner dinners dip dips direct directed directing direction directions directly directness directs dirt dirtier dirtiest dirtiness dirts dirty disabilities disability disable disabled disables disabling disagree disagreed disagreeing disagreement disagreements disagrees disappoint disappointed disappointing disappoints disc discourage discouraged discouragement discouragements discourages discouraging discouragingly discover discovered discoveries discovering discovers discovery discs discussion discussions disease diseases disgust disgusted disgusting disgusts dish dishes disk diskette diskettes disks dislike dislikes dismiss dismissed dismissing display displayed displaying displays dispute disputes distance distances distant distantly distantness distinction distinctions distinctive distinguish distinguished distinguishes distinguishing distribute distributed distributes distributing distribution ditch divide divided divider dividers divides dividing divisibility divisible division divisions DNA DNAs do doctor doctors document documents does doesn't dog dogs doing dollar dollars donate donated donater donates donating donation donations done donor donors donts door doors doorway doorways dos dot dots double doubled doubler doublers doubles doubling doubt doubted doubtful doubting doubtless doubts down downs dozen dozens drag dragged dragging drags drain drained draining drains drama dramas drank draw drawer drawers drawn draws dream dreamed dreaming dreams dreamt dress dressed dressing drew dried drier dries driest drill drilled drilling drills drink drinks drive driven driver drivers driving drop dropped dropping drops drove drown drowned drowning drowns drug drugs drum drums drunk drunks dry drying dryly dryness duck ducked ducking ducks dug dull duller dullest dullness dulls durable during dust dusted dusting dusts duties duty dying each eager eagerly eagerness ear earlier earliest earliness early earn earned earning earns ears Earth earth earthlier earthliest earthliness earthly earths easier easiest easily easiness East east Eastern eastern easy eat eaten eats edge edges educate educated educates educating education educations educator educators effect effected effecting effective effectively effectiveness effects effort efforts egg eggs eight eighth eighths eights either eject ejected ejecting ejects elastic elastics elation elbow elbows elect elected electing election elections electric electrical electrically electricity electron electrons electronic electronics elects element elemental elementary elements elephant elephants eleven eleventh else emotion emotions employ employed employee employees employer employers employing employment employments employs emptier emptiest emptiness empty enclose enclosed encloses enclosing enclosure enclosures encode encoded encodes encoding encourage encouraged encouragement encouragements encourager encouragers encourages encouraging encouragingly end ended ending ends enemy engine engineer engineers engines English enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enjoyments enjoys enough ensure ensured ensures ensuring enter entered entering enters entertain entertainment entertainments entertains entrance entrances envelope enveloped enveloper envelopers envelopes enveloping equal equaled equaling equality equally equals equation escape escaped escapes escaping esophagus esophagi especially establish established establishes establishing establishment establishments et etc etc. Europe evaluate evaluated evaluater evaluates evaluating evaluation eve even evening evenings evenly evenness evens event events eventual eventually ever every everyone everything everywhere eves evil evilly evils exact exactly exactness exacts examination examinations examine examined examiner examiners examines examining example examples excellent excellently except exception exceptional exceptionally exceptions excepts exchange exchanged exchanges exchanging excite excited excited excitedly excitement exciter exciters excites exciting excuse excused excuses excusing execute executed executes executing exercise exercised exerciser exercisers exercises exercising exertion exist existed existence existences existing exists expand expanded expanding expands expansion expansions expect expectation expectations expected expecting expects expel expelled expelling expels expensive experience experienced experiences experiencing expert experts explain explained explaining explains explanation explanations explode exploded explodes exploding explosion explosions explosive explosively explosiveness explosives export exportation exported exporter exporting exports express expressed expressing expression expressions expressly extend extended extending extends extension extensions extent extents extract extracted extracting extracts extreme extremely extremeness extremes eye eyed eyelid eyelids eyes eying fabric fabrics face faced facer facers faces facing fact faction factions factories factory facts fail failed failing fails failure failures faint fainted fainter faintest fainting faintly faintness faints fair fairly fairness fairs fairy faith faithful faithfully faithfulness faiths fall fallen falls false falsely falseness falser falsest fame famed familiar familiarity familiarly familiarness family famous famously fancier fanciest fanciness fancy far farm farmed farmer farmers farming farms farmyard farmyards fashion fashionable fashionableness fashions fast fasten fastened fastening fastens faster fastest fastness fasts fat fate fated fates father fathered fathering fatherliness fatherly fathers fatness fats fatty fault faulted faulting faults favor favorability favorable favorableness favorite favors favour favours favourable favourite fax faxed faxes faxing fear feared fearing fears feather feathers feature features February fed feeble feed feeding feeds feel feeling feelingly feelings feels fell fellow fellows felt female femaleness females femininity fence fenced fencer fencers fences fencing fertile fever fevers few fewer fewest fewness fiber fibers fibre fibres fibrous fiction fictional fictions field fields fierce fiercely fierceness fiercer fiercest fifteen fifteenth fifth fifths fiftieth fifty fight fights figure figures file files fill filled filling fills film filmed filming films final finally find finds fine fined finely fineness finer fines finest finger fingers fining finish finished finishes finishing fire fireplace fireplaces fires firm firmer firmest firmly firmness firms first firstly fish fished fisherman fishing fit fitness fits five fives fix fixed fixedly fixedness fixing fixture fixtures flag flags flame flamed flames flaming flash flashed flashing flat flatness flats flax flesh flew flexible flies flight flights float floated floating floats flood flooded flooding floods floor floors flour flours flow flowed flower flowers flowing flown flows fluid fluids fly flying fold foldable folded folding folds follow followed following follows fond fonder fondest fondly fondness food foods fool foolish foolishly foolishness fools foot football footballs footpath footpaths foots footstep footsteps for forbad forbade forbid forbidden forbids force forced forces forcing forecast forehead foreheads foreign foreigner foreigners foreignness forest forests forgave forget forgets forgive forgiven forgiveness forgiver forgivers forgives forgot forgotten fork forks form formal formally formals formation formed former formerly formers forming forms fort forts fortunate fortunately fortune fortunes forty forward forwarded forwarding forwardness forwards fought found four fours fourteen fourth fourths fox foxes fraction fractions frame framed framer framers frames framework frameworks framing free freed freedom freedoms freely freeness freer frees freest freeze freezer freezers freezes freezing freing frequency frequent frequently frequentness frequents fresh fresher freshest freshly freshness friction friend friendlier friendliest friendliness friendly friendly friends frighten frightened frightening frighteningly frightens from front fronts froze froze frozen fruit fruition fruits fuel fuels fulfil full fuller fullest fullness fulls fun function functions fundamental fundamental particle fundamental particles funeral funerals funnier funniest funniness funny fur furnish furnished furnishing furniture furs further furthers fuse fused fuses fusing future futures gain gained gaining gains gamble gambled gambler gamblers gambles gambling game games gamma gap gaps garage garages garden gardened gardening gardens garment garments gas gaseous gases gasoline gate gates gather gathered gathering gathers gave gaze gazed gazer gazers gazes gazing gene genes genetic genetics genera general generally generals generation generosity generous generously gentle gentleman gentlemanly gentleness gentler gentler gentles gentlest genus get gets gift gifted gifts girl girlish girls give given giver givers gives giving glad gladly gladness glads glass glassed glassing glory glove gloves glucose glue glued glues gluing go goal goals goat goats god God godlier godliest godliness Godly gods Gods goes going gold golden gone good goodbye goodbyes goodlier goodliest goodly goodness goods goods got gotten govern governed governing government governments governs grace graced graceful gracefully gracefulness graces gracing gradual gradually graduation grain grained grains gram grammar grammars grams grand grandfather grandfathered grandfathers grandiose grandly grandmother grandmothers grandness grands grass grateful gratefully gratefulness grave gravely graver graves gravest gray great greater greatest greatly greatness Greece Greek green greener greenness greens greet greeted greeting greetings greets grew grey grief griefs grieve grieved griever grievers grieves grieving grind grinding grip gripped gripping grips ground grounds group groups grow growing grown grows growth guard guarded guardedly guarding guards guess guessed guessing guest guests guidance guide guided guides guiding guilt guiltier guiltiest guilty gun guns habit habits habitual habitually habitualness habituation had hadn't hair hairier hairiest hairiness hairs hairy half hall halls halves hammer hammered hammering hammers hand handed handedness handing handkerchief handkerchiefs handle handled handler handlers handles handling hands hang hanged hanging hangs happen happened happening happens happier happiest happiness happy hard harden hardened hardening hardens harder hardest hardly hardness hardship hardships harm harmed harmful harmfulness harming harmless harmlessly harmlessness harmony harms has hasn't hastier hastiest hastiness hasty hat hate hated hater haters hates hating hatred hatreds hats have haven't haves having he head heads health healthier healthiest healthiness healths healthy hear heard hearing hears heart hearts heat heated heating heats heaven heavenly heavens heavier heaviest heaviness heavy heel heels height heights held help helped helpful helpfully helpfulness helping helps hemisphere hemispheres hen hens her here hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitates hesitating hid hidden hide hider hiders hides hiding high higher highest highly highness highs hill hills him himself hinder hindered hindering hinders hire hired hires hiring his hiss historical historically history hit hits hitting hold holding holds hole holes holiday holidays holiness hollow hollowness hollows holy home homed homelier homeliest homeliness homely homes homing honest honestly honestness honesty honor honorable honorably honors honour honourable hook hooks hope hoped hopeful hopefully hopefulness hopefuls hopeless hopelessly hopelessness hopes hoping horizon horizons horizontal horn horned horning horns horse horses hospital hospitals host hosts hot hotel hotels hotness hour hourly hours house houses housing how however human humane humaneness humanity humanly humans humor humored humoring humorous humorously humorousness humors humour hundred hundreds hundredth hundredths hung hunger hungers hungrier hungriest hungry hunt hunted hunting hunts hurry hurt hurts husband husbands hut huts hydrocarbon hydrocarbons hydrogen I I'm ice iced ices icier iciest iciness icing icy idea ideal ideally ideas identical identified identifies identify identifying identity identities if ifs ill illness ills image imaged images imaginary imagination imaginations imagine imagined imagines imaging imagining immeasurable immeasurably immediate immediately immerse immersed immerses immersing impede impeded impedes impeding imperfect imperfection import importance important importantly importation imported importer importing imports improbable improve improved improvement improvements improves improving impulse impulses in inabilities inability inaction inactions inactive inactivity inattention inborn inbound inbred inbreed inbreeding inbreeds inch inches include included includes including inclusion income incomes incomparable incompatibility incompatible incomplete incompletely incompleteness incomprehensible inconsistency inconsistent inconvenience inconvenient inconveniently incorrect incorrectly incorrectness increase increased increaser increasers increases increasing increasingly indecision indeed indelicate indelicately independent independently independents indetermination indifference indifferent indifferently indirect indirection indirections indirectly indirectness individual individuals indivisibility indivisible indoor indoors industrial industrially industry ineffective ineffectively ineffectiveness inelastic inequality inexact inexactly inexpensive inexpensively inexperience inexperienced infamous infamously infancy infect infected infecting infection infections infectious infectiously infectiousness infects infield infields infirm infirmly inflame inflamed inflames inflaming inflow inflows influence influenced influences influencing influential infold infolded infolding infolds inform informal informally information informed informer informers informing informs infrequency infrequent infrequently ingest ingested ingesting ingests ingot ingrained ingrown inhabit inhabits inhere inherent inherently inheres inhuman inhumane inhumanly injustice injustices ink inks inlaid inland inlay inlays inlet inlets inmost inner innermost inoffensive inoffensively inorganic inpatient inpatients input inputs inquire inquired inquirer inquirers inquires inquiring inquiringly inquiry inroad inroads inrush ins insect insects insensible insensitive insensitively insensitivity insert inserted inserting insertion insertions inserts inset insets inshore inside insider insiders insides insight insights insincere insincerely inspirit inspirited inspiriting inspirits instance instances instate instated instates instating instead instep insteps instill instiller instills instruct instructed instructing instruction instructions instructs instrument instruments insult insulted insulting insults insurance insure insured insurer insurers insures insuring intake intakes intelligent intend intended intending intends intense intensely intenseness intent intention intentional intentionally intentions intents interact interacted interacting interaction interactions interacts intercept intercepted intercepting interception interceptions intercepts interdict interdicted interdicting interdicts interest interested interesting interestingly interests interfere interfered interferes interfering interior interiors internal internally international internationally internationals internet interpret interpretation interpretations interpreted interpreting interprets interrupt interrupted interrupting interruption interruptions interrupts intestines into introduce introduced introducer introducers introduces introducing introduction introductions intrust intrusted intrusting intrusts invalid invaluable invent invented inventing invention inventions inventor inventors invents inverse invitation invitations invite invited invites inviting invoice invoices involuntary involve involved involves involving inwards iron irons is island islands isn't it item items its it's itself jail jails January jar jars jaw jaws jealous jealously jealousness jealousy jelly jewel jeweled jeweling jewellery jewels job jobs join joined joining joins joint jointed jointing jointly joints joke joked joker jokers jokes joking jokingly journey journeys joy joyful joyous joys judge judged judges judging judgment judgments juice juices juicy July jump jumped jumping jumps June just justice justices justly justness keen keener keenest keenly keenness keens keep keeps kept key keyed keying keys kick kicked kicker kickers kicking kicks kid kids kill killed killing kills kilo kilogram kilogramme kilograms kilometer kilometers kilometre kilometres kilos kind kinder kindest kindlier kindliest kindliness kindly kindness kinds king kingdom kingdoms kings kiss kissed kissing kitchen kitchens knee kneel kneeled kneeling kneels knees knelt knew knife knifes knock knocked knocking knocks knot knots know knowing knowledge known knows labor labors labour lack lacked lacking lacks ladder ladders lady laid lain lake lakes lamb lambed lambs lamp lamps land lands language languages large largely largeness larger larger largest last lasted lasting lastly lasts late lately lately lateness later later latest laugh laughed laughing laughs laughter laughters law laws lawyer lawyers lay layer layers lays lazier laziest laziness lazy lead lead leaded leading leads leads leaf leafs lean leaned leaning leanly leanness leans leant learn learned learning learns learnt least leather leathers leave leaver leavers leaves leaving led left left left leg legal legally legs lend lends length lengths lent less lesson lessons let lets letter letters level levelness levels liar library lid lids lie lied lies life lift lifted lifting lifts light lighted lighter lightest lighting lightly lightness lightning lights like liked likelier likeliest likely likely likeness likes liking limb limbed limbs limestone limit limited limitedness limiting limits line linear lined linen liner liners lines linguistic lining lion lions lip lips liquid liquids list listen listened listening listens lists lit liter literature literatures liters litre little littleness littler littler littlers littlest live lived livelier liveliest liveliness lively liver livers lives living load loaded loading loads loaf loafs local locally locals locate located locates locating location locations locator lock locked locking locks lodging lodgings lodgings log logic logs lonelier loneliest loneliness lonely long longed longer longest longing longs look looked looking loose loosely looseness looser looser looses loosest lord lordlier lordliest lordliness lordly lords lose loser losers loses losing loss lost lost lot lots loud louder loudest loudly loudness love loved lovelier loveliest loveliness lovely lover lovers loves loving lovingly low lower lowered lowering lowers lowest lowlier lowliest lowliness lowly lowness lows loyal loyally loyalness loyalty luck luggage lump lumps lung lungs lying machine machinery machines mad maddder maddest made madly madness magazine magazines magic magician magicians mail mailed mailing mails main mainly majorities majority make maker makers makes male maleness males mammal mammals man manage managed manager manager managers managers manages managing manlier manliest manliness manly manner mannered mannerliness mannerly manners mans many map maps March march marched marches marching maritime mark marked markedly market markets marking marks marriage marriages married marries marry marrying mass master mastered mastering masterly masters mat match mated material materially materials mating mats matter mattered mattering matters May may maybe me meal meals mean meaner meanest meaning meanings meanly meanness means meant measure measured measurement measurements measures measuring meat meats media medical medically medication medicine medicines Mediterranean Mediterranean Sea medium meet meeting meetings meets melt melted melting melts member members memories memory mend mended mending mends mental mention mentioned mentioning mentions menu menus merrier merriest merriness merry message messages messenger messengers met metal metals meter metered metering meters method methodical methodically methods metre metric metrics microbe microbes microbial micron microns microscope microscopes microscopic middle middles might might mights mile miles military milk milked milking milks million millions millionth millionths mind minded minding mindlessness minds mine mined miner mineral minerals miners mines minimum mining minister ministered ministering ministers minor minute minutely minuteness minuter minutes minutest mirror mirrored mirroring mirrors misaddress misaddressed misaddresses misaddressing misadventure misadventures misadvise misadvised misadvises misadvising misalliance misalliances misarrange misarranged misarrangement misarrangements misarranges misarranging misbehave misbehaved misbehaves misbehaving misbehavior misbelief miscalculate miscalculated miscalculates miscalculating miscalculation miscall miscalled miscalling miscalls miscarriage miscarriages miscarried miscarries miscarry mischief mischiefs misclassified misclassify miscopy miscount miscounted miscounting miscounts misdeal misdeals misdirect misdirected misdirecting misdirection misdirections misdirects misdo misdone miseducate miseducated miseducates miseducating miseducation misemploy misemployed misemploying misemploys misfire misfires misfit misfits misfortune misfortunes misgovern misgoverned misgoverning misgovernment misgoverns misguidance misguide misguided misguider misguiders misguides misguiding mishandle mishandled mishandles mishandling mishear misheard mishears misinform misinformation misinformed misinforming misinforms misinstruct misinstructed misinstructing misinstruction misinstructions misinstructs misjudge misjudged misjudges misjudging misjudgment misjudgments mislaid mislay mislays mislead misleads misled mismanage mismanaged mismanages mismanaging mismarriage mismarriages mismatch mismated mismating misname misnamed misnames misnaming misnumber misnumbered misnumbering misnumbers misplace misplaced misplaces misplacing misplay misplayed misplaying misplays misprint misprinted misprinting misprints mispronounce mispronounced mispronounces mispronouncing mispronunciation mispronunciations misread misreads misreport misreported misreporting misreports misrepresent misrepresented misrepresenting misrepresents misrule misruled misrules misruling miss missed misshape misshaped misshapen misshapes misshaping missing mission missions missort missorted missorting missorts misspell misspelled misspelling misspells misspelt misspend misspends misspent misstate misstated misstates misstating misstep missteps mist mistake mistaken mistakenly mistakes mistakes mistaking mistier mistime mistimed mistimes mistiming mistitle mistitled mistitles mistitling mistook mistranslate mistranslated mistranslates mistranslating mistreat mistreated mistreating mistreatment mistreats mistrust mistrusted mistrusting mistrusts mists mistune mistunes mistuning mistype mistyped mistypes mistyping misunderstand misunderstanding misunderstands misunderstood misuse misused misuses misusing mix mixed mixing mixture mixtures model modeled modeling models modern modernity modernness moderns modified modifies modify modifying molecule molecules moment moments money moneys monkey monkeys month monthly monthly months moon moons moral morally morals morals more mores morning mornings most mostly mother motherliness motherly mothers motion motions motive motives motor motors mountain mountains mouse mouses mouth mouths move moved movement movements mover movers moves moving much mud multicellular multiple multiply murder murdered murdering murders muscle muscles music musical musician musicians must my myself mysterious mysteriously mysteriousness mystery nail nailed nailing nails name named namely names naming narrow narrower narrowest narrowly narrowness narrows nastier nastiest nastiness nasty nation national nationally nationals nations natural naturally naturalness nature natures nausea naval navigate navigated navigates navigating navigation navy near nearer nearest nearly nearness nears neat neater neatest neatly neatness necessary necessity neck necked necking necks need needed needing needle needles needs negative neighbor neighbor neighborhood neighborhoods neighboring neighborliness neighborly neighborly neighborly neighbors neighbour neighbourhood neither nerve nerves nervous nervously nervousness nest nested nesting nests net nets network networked networks neutron neutrons never new newer newest newly newness news news newspaper newspapers next nice nicely niceness nicer nicer nicest night nightly nights nine nines ninth ninths nitrogen no no nobility noble nobleman nobleness nobler nobles noblest noise noises noisy none nonrandom nonsense nonsensical nor norm normal norms North north North Pole northeast Northern northern northwest nos nose noses nosey nosier nosiest nosiness nosy not notable notation note notes nothing nothingness nothings notice noticed notices noticing notion noun nouns nourishment November now nowhere nuclei nucleus number numbered numbering numbers nurse nursed nurser nursers nurses nursing nut nutrition nuts nylon nylons o’clock oak oak tree oak trees oaks obedience obedient obediently obey obeyed obeying obeys object objected objecting objection objections objective objectively objectives objects obligation obligations observation observations observe observed observer observes observing obsolescence obsolete obtain obtained obtaining obtains obvious obviously obviousness occasion occasional occasionally occasions occupied occupies occupy occupying occur occur occurance occurances occurred occurred occurring occurs ocean oceans October odd odder oddest oddly oddness odds of off offence offend offended offending offends offensive offensively offensiveness offensives offer offered offering offers office officer officers offices official officially officials offspring often oil oiled oiling oils old older oldest old-fashioned oldness on once one ones one's oneself onion onions only ons open opened opening openings openly openness opens operate operated operates operating operation operations operator operators opinion opinions opponent opponents oppose opposed opposes opposing opposite oppositely oppositeness opposites opposition optical option options or oral orally orange oranges oration order ordered ordering orderliness orderly orders ordinariness ordinary ordination organ organic organic chemical organic chemicals organism organisms organization organizations organize organized organizer organizers organizes organizing organs origin original originality originally origination origins ornament ornamental ornaments other others otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outdoor outdoors outer outermost outgrew outgrow outgrowing outgrows outran outrank outranked outranking outranks outrun outrunning outruns outs outside outsider outsiders oven ovens over overcame overcome overcomes overcoming overly overtake overtaken overtakes overtaking overthrew overthrow overthrowing overthrown overthrows owe owed owes owing owing own owned owner owners owning owns oxygen pack packed packet packets packing packs page paged pages paging paid pain pained painful painfully pains paint painted painting paintings paints pair pairs palace palaces pale paleness paler pales palest pan pans paper papers paragraph paragraphs parallel parallels parcel parcels parent parents park parked parking parks parliament parliaments part participant participants participate participated participates participating participle participles particle particles particular particularly particulars partition partly partner partners parts party pass passage passages passed passenger passengers passes passing past paste pasted pastes pasting pastries pastry path paths patience patient patiently patients pattern patterns pause paused pauses pausing pay paying payment payments pays peace peaceful peacefully pen pence pencil penciled penciling pencils penetrate penetrated penetrates penetrating pens pentose pentoses people peoples pepper peppers per perceive perceived perceives perceiving perception perceptions perfect perfected perfecting perfection perfectly perfectness perfects perform performed performing performs perhaps period periodic periodically periods permission permissions permit permits permitted permitting person personal personally personals persons persuade persuaded persuader persuaders persuades persuading pertaining pet petrol pets phonetic phosphate group phosphate groups phosphorus photograph photographed photographing photographs photography phrase phrased phrases phrasing physical physically physiological physiology piano pianos pick picked picking picks picture pictured picturer picturers pictures picturing piece pieced pieces piecing pig pigs pile piled piles piling pilot piloted piloting pilots pin pined pining pink pinker pinkest pinks pins pipe piper pipers pipes piping pity place placed placer placers places placing plain plainer plainest plainly plainness plains plan plane planed planed planes planing planned planning plans plant planted planting plants plastic plastics plate plated plates plating play played player playing plays pleasant pleasantly pleasantness please pleased pleases pleasing pleasingly pleasure pleasures plenty plough ploughs plow plowed plowing plows plural plurals pocket pockets poem poems poet poetry poets point pointed pointedly pointedness pointing points poison poisoned poisoning poisonous poisonously poisons polar pole poles police policed police force police forces policeman policemen polices policewoman policewomen policing polish polished polishing polite politely politeness politer politer politers politest political politically politician politicians politics poll polled polling polls polymer polymeric polymers pool pools poor poorer poorest poorly popular popularity popularly population populations pore pores porous port portable porter porters portion portlier portliest portliness portly ports position positions positive possess possessed possessing possession possessions possibility possible possibly post posted posting posts pot potation potato potion pots pound pounds pour poured pouring pours powder powders power powered powerful powerfully powering powers practical practically practice practiced practices practicing practise praise praised praises praising pray prayed prayer prayers praying prays precede preceded precedes preceding precious preciously preciousness preparation preparations prepare prepared preparedness preparer preparers prepares preparing presence present presentation presented presenting presently presents preservation preserve preserved preserver preservers preserves preserving president presidents press pressed pressing pressure pressured pressures pressuring pressurize pressurized pressurizer pressurizers pressurizes pressurizing pretend pretended pretending pretends prettier prettiest prettiness pretty prevent prevented preventing prevention prevents price priced prices pricing pricklier prickliest prickliness prickly pride prides priest priestess priestliness priestly priests prince princeliness princely princes principal principally principle principled principles print printed printing prints prison prisoner prisoners prisons private privately privateness privates prize prizes probability probable probably probation problem problems procedure procedures process processes procession processions produce produced producer producers produces producing product production productions products profession professions profit profited profits program programs promise promised promises promising promisingly pronounce pronounced pronouncedly pronounces pronouncing pronunciation pronunciations proof proofs propel propelled propelling propeller propellers propels proper properly properness properties property proportion proportions proposition propositions prose protect protected protecting protection protective protectively protectiveness protector protects protest protested protesting protests proton protons proud prouder proudest proudly proudness prove proved proven prover provers proves provide provided provider providers provides providing proving provision provisions provisions public publicly pull pulled pulling pulls pump pumped pumping pumps punish punished punishing punishment punishments pupil pupils pure purely pureness purer purer purest purine purines purple purpose purposeful purposefully purposely purposes push pushed pushing put puts putting purine purines pyrimidine pyrimidines qualities quality quantity quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrels quarter quarterly quarterly quarters queen queenliness queenly queens Quercus question questioned questioning questions quick quicker quickest quickly quickness quiet quieted quieter quietest quieting quietly quietness quiets quite rabbit rabbits race raced racer racers races racing radio radioed radioing radios rail railroad railroads rails railway railways rain rained raining rains rainy raise raised raiser raisers raises raising ran random randomly rang range ranges rank ranked ranking ranks rapid rapidly rapidness rapids rare rarely rareness rarer rarest rarity rat rate rated rater raters rates rather rating ratio ratios rats raw rawer rawest rawness ray rays reaccept reaccepted reaccepting reaccepts reach reached reaches reaching react reacted reacting reaction reactions reactive reactively reactivity reactor reactors reacts read readdress readdresses readdressing reader readers readier readiest readiness reading readings readmission readmit readmits readmittance readmitted readmitting reads ready real realer realest really realness ream reappear reappearance reappearances reappeared reappearing reappears reappoint reappointed reappointing reappoints reargue reargued reargues rearguing rearm rearmed rearming rearms rearrange rearranged rearrangement rearrangements rearranges rearranging reason reasonable reasonableness reasoned reasoning reasons reattempt reattempted reattempting reattempts reawake reawakened reawakening reawakes reawoke rebill rebilled rebilling rebills rebind rebinding rebinds rebirth rebirths reboil reboiled reboiling reboils reborn rebound rebroadcast rebroadcasted rebroadcasting rebroadcasts rebuild rebuilding rebuilds rebuilt reburial reburials rebury rebus rebut rebutter rebutters rebutton rebuttons recalculate recalculated recalculates recalculating recalculation recall recalled recalling recalls recap recaps receive received receiver receivers receives receiving recency recent recently recently recentness reclaim reclaimed reclaiming reclaims reclassified reclassify reclean recleaned recleaning recleans reclothe reclothed reclothes reclothing recognition recognitions recognize recognized recognizes recognizing recoin recoins recollect recollected recollecting recollects recolor recolored recoloring recolors recomb recombed recombination recombine recombined recombines recombing recombining recombs recomparison recompound recompounds recondition reconditions reconnect reconnected reconnecting reconnects reconsider reconsidered reconsidering reconsiders recontract recontracted recontracting recontracts recook recooked recooking recooks recopy record recorded recording records recount recounted recounting recounts recourse recover recovered recovering recovers recross recrossed recrossing recurrent recurrently recurse recursed recursive recycle recycled recycles recycling red redecorate redecorated redecorates redecorating redecoration redeliver redelivered redelivering redelivers redemand redemanded redemands redescribe redescribed redescribes redescribing redetermined redetermining redevelop redeveloped redeveloping redevelops redid redirect redirected redirecting redirection redirects rediscover rediscovered rediscovering rediscovers rediscovery redivide redivided redivides redividing redness redo redoing redone redouble redoubled redoubles redoubling redoubt redoubts redraw redrawn redraws redress redressed redressing redrew redrill redrilled redrilling redrills redry reds reduce reduced reducer reducers reduces reducing reduction reductions reeducate reeducated reeducates reeducating reeducation reelect reelected reelecting reelection reelections reelects reemploy reemployed reemploying reemployment reemploys reenclose reenclosed reencloses reenclosing reenjoy reenjoyed reenjoys reenter reentered reentering reenters reentrance reentrances reestablish reestablished reestablishing reestablishment reexamination reexaminations reexamine reexamined reexamines reexamining reexchange reexchanged reexchanges reexchanging reexperience reexperienced reexperiences reexperiencing reexpress reexpressed reexpressing reexpression refashion refashions refasten refastened refastening refastens refer reference referenced references referencing referred referring refers refill refilled refilling refills refilm refilmed refilming refilms refine refined refiner refiners refines refining refinish refinished refinishing refire refires refit refits reflow reflowed reflower reflowers reflowing reflows refold refolded refolding refolds reforest reforests reform reformed reformer reformers reforming reforms reframe reframed reframes reframing refreeze refreezes refreezing refresh refresher refroze refrozen refurnish refurnished refurnishing refusal refusals refuse refused refuses refusing regain regained regaining regains regard regarded regarding regards regather regathered regathering regathers region regions reglue reglued reglues regluing regret regretted regretting regretfulness regrets regrew regroup regroups regrow regrown regrows regrowth regular regularly regulars regulation rehandle rehandled rehandles rehandling rehang rehanged rehanging rehangs reharden rehardened rehardening rehardens rehear reheard rehears reheat reheats reheel reheels rehire rehired rehires rehiring rehung rein reinfect reinfected reinfecting reinfection reinfections reinfects reinform reinformed reinforming reinforms reins reinstruct reinstructed reinstructing reinstructs reinsure reinsured reinsures reinsuring reintroduce reintroduced reintroduces reintroducing reintroduction reinvent reinvented reinventing reinvents reinvitation reinvite reinvited reinvites reinviting rejoin rejoined rejoining rejoins rejudge rejudged rejudges rejudging relate related relatedness relater relating relation relations relative relatively relativeness relatives relay relays relearn relearned relearning relearns relearnt relent relet relets reletter reletters relied relies relight relighted relighting relights religion religions religiosity religious religiously religiousness reline relined relines relining relist relists relit relive relived relives reliving reload reloaded reloading reloads relying remade remail remailed remailing remails remain remained remaining remains remake remakes remark remark remarked remarking remarks remarriage remarriages remarried remarries remarry remarrying rematch remeasure remeasures remelt remelted remelting remelts remember remember remembered remembering remembers remind reminded reminding reminds remodel remodeled remodeling remodels removal remove removed remover removers removes removing rename renamed renames renaming render rendered rendering rendering renders renew renewal renewed renewer renewing renews rent rented renting rents renumber renumbered renumbering renumbers reopen reopened reopening reopens reorder reordered reordering reorders reorganization reorganizations repack repacked repacking repacks repaid repaint repainted repainting repaints repair repaired repairing repairs repass repassed repay repaying repayment repayments repays repeat repeated repeatedly repeating repeats repetition repetitions repetitive rephrase rephrased rephrases rephrasing replace replaced replacement replacements replacer replacers replaces replacing replan replans replant replanted replanting replants replay replayed replaying replays replied replies reply replying repopulation report reported reportedly reporter reporters reporting reports repossess repossessed repossessing repossession repossessions represent representation representative representatively representatives represented representing represents repress repressed repressing reprice repriced repricing reprint reprinted reprinting reprints reproduce reproduced reproducer reproducers reproduces reproducing reproducing reproduction reproductions reproof reproofs reprove reproved reprover reprovers reproves reproving republic republics request requested requesting requests require required requirement requirements requires requiring reran reread rereads rerecord rerecorded rerecording rerecords rerun reruns resale resales research researched researcher researchers researching reseat reseated reseating reseats reseed reseeded reseeding reseeds resell reseller resells resemble resembled resembles resembling resent resented resenting resentment resents reserve reserved reserves reserving reset resets resetting reshape reshaped reshapes reshaping reship reshipped reships reside residence resident residents resides residing residue residues resign resigned resigning resigns resist resisted resister resisters resisting resists resold resort resorted resorting resorts resound resounded resounding resounds resource resources resow resowed resowing resown resows respect respected respectful respectfully respectfulness respecting respects respell respelled respelling respells respite respites responsible responsibleness rest restage restages restamp restamped restamping restamps restart restarted restarting restarts restate restated restates restating restaurant restaurants rested resting restore restored restores restoring restring restrings restructure restructured restructures restructuring rests restudy restyle restyles result resulted resulting results resupply resurface resurfaces retail retails retake retaken retaker retakers retakes retaught reteach retell retells retest retested retesting retests rethink rethinks rethought rethread rethreads retie retied reties retire retired retires retiring retiring retitle retitled retitles retitling retold retook retouch retouched retouching retrain retrained retrains retranslate retranslated retranslates retranslating retranslation retreat retreated retreating retreats retried retry return returned returning returns retying retype retyped retypes retyping reunion reunions reunite reunited reunites reuniting reuse reused reuses reusing revalue revalued revalues revaluing review reviewed reviewing reviews revisit revisited revisiting revisits reward rewarded rewarding rewards rewarm rewarmed rewarming rewarms rewash rewashed rewashing reweave reweaves reweaving reweigh reweighed reweighing reweighs rewind rewind rewinding rewinds rewinds rewire rewired rewires rewiring reword reworded rewording rewords rework reworked reworking reworks rewound rewound rewove rewoven rewrap rewraps rewrite rewriter rewriters rewrites rewritten rewrote rhyme rhymed rhymes rhyming rhythm rhythms rib ribs rice rich richer richest richly richness rid ridded ridden ridding ride rider riders rides riding rids rifle rifles right rightly rightness rights rigid rigidity ring ringed ringing rings ripe ripely ripeness riper ripest rise risen riser risers rises rising risk risked risking risks river rivers road roads rob robe robed robing robs rock rocked rocking rocks rod rode rods role roles roll rolled rolling rolls roof roofs room rooms root roots rope roped ropes roping rose roses rotate rotated rotates rotating rough rougher roughest roughly roughness roughs round rounded rounding roundly roundness rounds row rowboat rowboats rowed rowing rows royal royally rub rubbed rubber rubbers rubbing rubs rude rudely rudeness ruder ruder rudest ruin ruined ruining ruins rule ruled ruler ruler rulers rulers rules ruling run rung runs rush rushed rushing sad sadly sadness safe safely safeness safer safes safest safety said sail sailed sailing sails sale sales salt salted salting salts salty salvation same sameness sample sampled sampler samplers samples sampling sand sandless sands sandy sang sank sat satisfaction satisfactions satisfactory satisfy save saved saver savers saves saving saw sawed sawing saws say says scale scaled scales scaling scatter scattered scattering scatters scene scenery scenes school schools science sciences scientific scientifically scientist scientists scissors screw screwed screwing screws sea seal sealed sealing seals search searched searching seas season seasoned seasoning seasonings seasons seat seated seating seats second secondly seconds secrecy secret secretary secreted secreting secretion secretive secretly secrets section see seed seeded seeding seeds seeing seek seeking seeks seem seemed seeming seemlier seemliest seemliness seemly seems seen seer seers sees seize seized seizes seizing select selected selecting selection selects self sell sells send sending sends sensation sensations sense sensed senseless senselessly senses sensible sensibleness sensing sensitive sensitively sensitiveness sensitivity sensor sensors sensory sent sentence sentenced sentences sentencing sentient separate separated separately separateness separates separating separation separator separators September sequence sequences sequential sequentially series serious seriously seriousness servant servants serve served server servers serves service serviced services servicing serving set sets settle settled settler settlers settles settling seven sevens seventh sevenths several severally severe severed severely severeness severer severer severers severest severing severs sew sewed sewing sewn sews sex sexual sexually shade shaded shades shading shadow shadows shaft shafts shake shaken shaker shakers shakes shall shallow shame shames shape shaped shapelier shapeliest shapeliness shapely shapes shaping share shared sharer sharers shares sharing sharp sharper sharpest sharply sharpness sharps she sheep sheet sheet-like sheets shelf shell shelled shelling shells shelter sheltered sheltering shelters shield shields shine shined shines shining ship shipped shipper shipping ships shirt shirts shock shocked shocking shocks shoe shoes shone shoot shooter shooters shooting shoots shop shopkeeper shopkeepers shops shore shores short shorted shorter shortest shorting shortly shortness shorts shot shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shouts show showed shower showing shown shows shrank shrink shrinking shrinks shrub shrubs shrunk shrunken shut shuts shutting sick sicklier sickliest sickliness sickly sickness sicks side sides sideways siding sidings sight sights sign signal signaled signaling signals signature signatures signed signer significant signified signifies signifies signify signifying signing signs silence silenced silencer silences silencers silences silencing silent silently silentness silk silks sillier silliest silliness silly silver silvered silvering silvers similar similarities similarity similarly simple simpleness simpler simples simplest simplicity simply simultaneous since sincere sincerely sincerer sincerest sing singe singed singer singers singing single singled singleness singles singling singly sings singular singularly sink sinking sinks sister sisterly sisters sit sits sitting situation situations six sixteen sixteenth sixth sixths sixtieth sixty size sized sizes sizing skeleton skeletons skies skilful skill skilled skills skin skins skirt skirts sky slate slates slave slaves sleep sleeping sleeps slept slid slide slider sliders slides slight slightly slightness slights slip slipped slipperier slipperiest slipperiness slippery slipping slips slope sloped slopes sloping slow slowed slower slowest slowing slowly slowness slows small smaller smallest smallness smash smashed smashes smashing smell smelled smelling smells smelt smile smiled smiles smiling smoke smoked smoker smokers smokes smoking smooth smoother smoothest smoothly smoothness smooths snake snakes snow snowed snowing snows so soap soaps soapy social socially socials society sock socks soft softer softest softly softness soil soiled soiling soils sold soldier soldierly soldiers solemn solemnly solemnness solid solider solidest solidly solidness solids some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songs sons soon sooner soonest sore sorely soreness sorer sores sorest sorrier sorriest sorrow sorrowed sorrowing sorrows sorry sort sorted sorting sorts SOS sought soul souls sound sounded sounding soundly soundness sounds soup soups sour source sources soured sourer sourest souring sourly sourness sours south South South Pole southeast southern southwest sow sowed sowing sown sows space spacecraft spaced spaces spacing spade spades spatial speak speaks spear speared spearing spears special specialist specialists specially species specific specifically specification specifications specified specifies specify specifying speech speed speeds spell spelled spelling spells spend spends spent sphere spheres spherical spill spilled spilling spills spilt spin spinal column spinal columns spinal cord spinal cords spine spines spinning spins spirit spirited spiritedly spiritedness spiriting spirits spite spites splendid splendidly split splits spoil spoiled spoiling spoils spoilt spoke spoken spoon spoons sport sports spot spots sprang spread spreading spreads spring springing springs sprung spun square squarely squareness squarer squares squarest stage stages stair stairs stalk stalked stalking stalks stamp stamped stamping stamps stand standard standards stands stank star stare stared starer starers stares staring stars start started starting starts state stated statelier stateliest stateliness stately statement statements states stating station stationed stationing stations stay stayed staying stays steadier steadiest steadily steadiness steady steal stealing steals steam steams steel steels steep steeper steepest steeply steepness stem stems step steps stick stickier stickiest stickiness sticks sticky stiff stiffer stiffest stiffly stiffness still stiller stillest stillness stimulate stimulated stimulates stimulating sting stings stink stinking stinks stitch stitched stitching stocking stockings stole stolen stomach stomachs stone stones stood stop stopped stopping stops storage store stored stores stories storing storm storms story straight straighter straightest straightly straightness straights strange strangely strangeness stranger strangers strangest stream streams street streets strength strengths stretch stretched stretches stretching strike striker strikers strikes striking string strings stroke stroked strokes stroking strong stronger strongest strongly struck structural structurally structure structured structures structuring struggle struggled struggler strugglers struggles struggling stuck student students studied studies study studying stung stunk stupid stupider stupidest stupidly style styles subatomic subatomic particle subatomic particles subject subjected subjects substance substances subtract subtracted subtracting subtraction subtracts succeed succeeded succeeding succeeds success successes successful successfully such suck sucked sucking sucks suction sudden suddenly suddenness suffer suffered suffering suffers sugar sugars suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggests suit suitability suitable suitableness suited suiting suits sum summer summers sums sun sung sunk suns super superior superiority supper suppers supply support supported supporting supports suppose supposed supposedly supposes supposing supposition sure surely sureness surer surest surface surfaces surprise surprised surpriser surprisers surprises surprising surprisingly surround surrounded surrounding surrounds survive survived survives surviving suspension suspensions swallow swallowed swallowing swallows swam swear swears sweep sweeps sweet sweeter sweetest sweetly sweetness sweets swell swelled swelling swells swept swim swims swing swings sword swords swore sworn swum swung syllable syllables symbol symbols sympathetic sympathy system systematic systematically systemic systems table tables tail tails take taken taker takers takes talk talked talker talking talks tall taller tallest tallness tape tapes tar task tasks taste tasted taster tasters tastes tasting taught tax taxed taxes taxi taxing taxis tea teach teacher teachers teaches teaching team teamed teaming teams tear tearing tears teas technology technologies telemeter telemetered telemetering telemeters telephone telephoned telephoner telephoners telephones telephoning televise televised televises television televisions tell tells temper temperature temperatures tempered tempering tempers temple temples ten tend tended tendency tender tenderly tenderness tenders tending tends tennis tens tense tensed tensely tenseness tenser tensers tenses tensest tensing tent tenth tents term terms terrible terribleness terror terrors test tested testing tests text texts than thank thanked thanking thanks that the theatre their theirs theirs them them themselves then theories theory there therefore thereof these theses they thick thicker thickest thickly thickness thief thin thing things think thinking thinks thinly thinner thinness thinnest third thirdly thirds thirst thirsted thirstier thirstiest thirstiness thirsting thirsts thirsty thirty this thorough thoroughly thoroughness those though thought thoughts thousand thousands thousandth thousandths thread threads threat threaten threatened threatening threatens threats three three-dimensional threes threw thrive thrived thriver thrivers thrives thriving throat throats through throughout throve throw throwing thrown throws thumb thumbs thunder thundered thundering thunders thus ticket tickets tidier tidiest tidiness tidy tie tied tier tiers ties tiger tigers tight tighten tightened tightens tighter tightest tightly tightness tights till tilled tilling tills time timed timeliness timely timer timers times timetable timetables timing tin tins tire tired tires tiring title titled titles titling to tobacco tobaccos today toe toes together togetherness togethers told tomorrow tongue tongues tonight too took tool tools tooth toothed tone tones top topic topics tops tore torn total totaled totaling totally totals touch touched touching tought tour toured touring tourist tourists tours toward towards tower towers town towns toy toys track tracked tracking tracks traction trade traded trader traders trades trading tradition traffic traffics train trained training trains transaction transactions translate translated translates translating translation translator translators transparencies transparency transparent transparently transport transported transporting transports trap traps travel traveled traveling travels tray trays treat treated treating treatment treatments treats tree trees tremble trembled trembler tremblers trembles trembling tribe tribes trick tricked tricking tricks tried trillion trillionth trip triply trips tropical tropically trouble troubled troubles troubling trousers true trueness truer truer truers trues truest trunk trunks trust trusted trusting trusts truth truths try trying tube tuber tubers tubes tune tuned tuner tuner tuners tunes tuning turn turned turning turns twelfth twelve twenty twice twist twisted twisting twists two two-dimensional tying type typed types typewriter typical typically typicalness typing typist tyre uglier ugliest ugliness ugly umbrella umbrellas unable unacceptable unaccepted unaccounted unadvertised unadvised unadvisedly unafraid unaged unaging unaimed unalike unamused unamusing unanswered unappointed unapproved unapproving unarmed unarmored unashamed unasked unattempted unattended unattracted unattractive unawakened unbaked unbalanced unbar unbarred unbarring unbars unbeaten unbelief unbeliever unbelievers unbelieving unbend unbends unbent unbidden unbind unbinding unbinds unblessed unblessedness unblock unblocked unblocking unblocks unborn unbound unbred unbridged unbroken unbrotherly unbrushed unburned unburnt unbutton unbuttons uncalled uncap uncaps uncaring uncaught unchosen unclaimed unclassified uncle unclean uncleaned uncleanliness uncleanly uncleanness unclear uncleared uncles unclose unclosed uncloses unclosing unclothe unclothed unclothes unclothing uncollected uncolored uncombed uncombined uncomfortable uncomfortableness uncomforted uncomforting uncommon uncommonly uncommonness uncompensated uncompleted unconcern unconcerned unconfused unconnected unconscious unconsciously unconsciousness unconsidered uncooked uncorrected uncounted uncover uncovered uncovering uncovers uncross uncrossed uncrossing uncrowded uncultivated uncured uncurl uncurled uncurling uncurls uncurtained uncut undamaged undated undecayed undeceive undeceived undeceives undeceiving undecided undeclared undecorated undefeated undefended under undergo undergoes undergoing undergone understand understands understood undertake undertaken undertaker undertakers undertakes undertaking undertook underwent undeserved undeserving undesirable undesired undestroyed undetermined undeveloped undid undid undies undirected undiscouraged undiscovered undivided undo undo undone undone undoubted undoubtedly undoubting undreamed undreamt undress undressed undressing undying unearned unearth unearthly unearths uneasiness uneasy uneaten uneducated unemployed unemployment unenclosed unended unending unentered unequal unequaled unequally unestablished uneven unevenly unevenness unexceptional unexcited unexciting unexcused unexercised unexpected unexperienced unexplained unexploded unexpressed unfair unfairly unfairness unfaithful unfaithfully unfaithfulness unfamiliar unfamiliarity unfamiliarly unfashionable unfasten unfastened unfastening unfastens unfavorable unfeared unfearing unfed unfeeling unfeelingly unfelt unfilled unfinished unfit unfitness unfix unfixed unfixing unfold unfolded unfolding unfolds unforbidden unforced unforgiven unforgotten unformed unfortunate unfortunately unframed unfreeze unfreezes unfreezing unfriendliness unfriendly unfroze unfrozen unfunny unfurnished ungathered ungenerous ungentle ungentlemanly ungodliness ungodly ungoverned ungraceful ungracefully ungrateful ungratefully ungratefulness unguarded unguided unhand unhanded unhanding unhands unhappiness unhappy unhardened unharmed unharmful unhealthiness unhealthy unheard unhelpful unholiness unholy unhook unhooks unhorse unhorses unhung unhurt uniform uniformity uniformly uniformness uniforms unimportant unimproved uninfected uninfluenced uninfluential uninformed uninstructed uninsured unintended unintentional unintentionally uninterested uninteresting uninterestingly uninterrupted uninvited uninviting union unions unit unite united unites uniting units universal universally universe universes university unjointed unjust unjustly unjustness unkept unkind unkindly unkindness unkissed unknown unleaded unlearn unlearned unlearning unlearns unless unlighted unlike unlikeliness unlikely unlikeness unlimited unlined unlit unload unloaded unloads unlock unlocked unlocking unlocks unlooked unloose unlooses unloved unloving unmade unmanliness unmanly unmannerliness unmannerly unmarked unmastered unmeant unmelted unmended unmentioned unmilitary unmistaken unmixed unmodified unmoved unnamed unnatural unnaturally unnaturalness unnecessary unneeded unneighborly unnoticed unnumbered unoffended unoffensive unoffensively unoffered unofficial unofficially unopened unopposed unoriginal unowned unpack unpacked unpacking unpacks unpaid unpainted unperfected unpersuaded unpicked unpile unpiled unpiles unpiling unpin unpins unplaced unplanted unplayed unpleasant unpleasantly unpleasantness unpleased unpleasing unpolished unpolled unpopular unpopularity unpopularly unpractical unpracticed unprepared unpreparedness unpressed unprincipled unpromising unpronounceable unpronounced unprotected unproved unproven unprovided unpunished unquestionably unquestioned unquestioning unquiet unrated unravel unraveled unraveling unravels unread unready unreal unreally unreasonable unreasonableness unrecognized unrecorded unrelated unremembered unrented unrepaid unreported unrepresentative unrepresented unrespectful unrespectfully unrest unreturned unrewarded unrewarding unripe unroll unrolled unrolling unrolls unruled unsafe unsafely unsaid unsalted unsatisfactory unsaved unscaled unscientific unscrew unscrewed unscrewing unscrews unseasoned unseat unseated unseating unseats unseeing unseemly unseen unsensible unsensitive unsent unserved unsettle unsettled unsettles unsettling unshaken unshapely unshared unshelled unsheltered unshut unsigned unsilenced unskilled unsmiling unsocial unsoiled unsold unsorted unsought unsound unsoundly unsoundness unspent unspoiled unspoken unsprung unstamped unsteadiness unsteady unstop unstops unstructured unsuccessful unsuccessfully unsuitable unsuited unsung unsupported unsure unsurely unsureness unsurprised unsympathetic untasted untaught untaxed untended untested untidiness untidy untie untied unties until untimeliness untimely untired untiring untitled unto untold untouched untrained untranslated untraveled untreated untried untroubled untrue untwist untwisted untwisting untwists untying untypical untypically unused unusual unusually unusualness unvisited unwanted unwarned unwashed unwatched unweave unweaves unweaving unwed unwelcome unwell unwept unwifely unwilling unwillingly unwillingness unwind unwinding unwinds unwise unwisely unwished unwitnessed unwomanly unwon unworldly unworthiness unworthy unwound unwove unwoven unwrap unwrapped unwrapping unwraps unwritten up update updated updates updating upon upper uppers upright uprightly uprightness ups upset upsets upside-down upstairs urge urged urgency urgent urgently urges urging URI URL us use used useful usefully usefulness useless uselessly uselessness user users uses using usual usually usualness valid validity valley valleys valuable valuables valuation value valued valuer valuers values valuing variable variables variation varied varies variety various variously vary varying vegetable vegetables vegetation vehicle vehicles vehicular verb verbs vertebrate vertebrates vertical vertically very vessel vessels vibration vibrations victories victorious victory view viewed viewing views village villager villagers villages violence violent violently virus viruses visible visit visited visiting visits visual vocabularies vocabulary vocal voice voices volume volumes vomit vomited vomiting vomits vote voted voter voters votes voting vowel vowels voyage voyager voyagers voyages wages waist waists wait waited waiter waiters waiting waits wake waked wakes waking walk walked walking walks wall walled walling walls wander wandered wandering wanders want wanted wanting wants war warm warmed warmer warmest warming warmly warms warmth warn warned warning warns wars was wash washed wasn't waste wasted waster wasters wastes wasting watch watched watching water watercraft watered watering waters wave waved waver waver wavers waves waving way ways we weak weaker weakest weakly weakness wealth wealthier wealthiest wealthy weapon weapons wear wears weather weathers weave weaved weaver weavers weaves weaving wed wedding weddings weed weeds week weekly weeks weep weeping weeps weigh weighed weighing weighs weight weighted weights welcome welcomed welcomes welcoming well wells went wept were weren't west Western western wet wetness wets wetter wettest what whatever wheat wheats wheel wheels when whenever where wherever whether which whichever while whiles whip whipped whipping whips whisper whispered whispering whispers whistle whistled whistler whistlers whistles whistling white whiten whitened whitener whiteners whiteness whitening whitens whiter whites whitest whither who whoever whole wholely wholeness wholes wholly whom whomever whose why whys wicked wickedly wickedness wide widely wideness wider widespread widest width widths wife wifely wild wilder wilderness wildest wildly wildness wilds will willed willing willingly willingness wills win wind winding window windowed windows winds wine wined wines wing winged wings winning wins winter winters wire wired wires wiring wisdom wise wisely wiser wisest wish wished wishing with withdraw withdrawal withdrawals withdrawing withdrawn withdraws withdrew within without withstand withstanding withstands withstood witness witnessed witnesses witnessing woke woken woman womanliness womanly women won wonder wondered wondering wonders wood wooded wooden woodenly woodenness woods woody wool wooled woollen woollier woolliest woolliness woolly wools word worded wording words wore work worked worker workers working works world worldlier worldliest worldliness worldly worlds worm worms worn worry worse worship worships worst worth worthier worthiest worthiness worthwhile worthy would would wound wounded wounding wounds wove woven wrap wrapped wrapping wraps wreck wrecked wrecker wrecking wrecks wrist wrists write writer writers writes writing written wrong wrongdoing wronger wrongest wrongly wrongness wrongs wrote yard yards yarn yarns year yearly years yellow yellows yes yesterday yesterdays yet you young younger youngest your yours yourself youth youths zero zeroed zeroes zeroing zeros