Name |
Definition |
Is PK |
Is FK |
env objective |
Identifies an environmental quality standard, although one might achieve the same via the sector,
resource, hazard, substance foreign keys...
Yes |
No |
issue |
No |
Yes |
sector |
No |
Yes |
regulation citation |
No |
Yes |
substance |
Another name for environmentally significant substance. Uniquely identifies a subtance of
intersest to the EPA.
No |
Yes |
env quality control period |
Generally environmental quality standards are specified for a period, e.g., a year, multi-year
period, etc.
No |
No |
env quality effective date |
When the standard goes into effect.
No |
No |
env quality target level |
This attribute represents a host of more technical quality specifications, e.g., emission level for
a car, a change in a substance level within a geographic area, etc.
No |
No |