Definition |
This is an actual occurrence of a substance, not a class or type but a real thing. This is set up
to support observation-without-incident so it supports monitoring, sampling and the like... The
difference is, it seems, that you won't have a substance observation without some sort of program to
pay for the observation while an incident observation happens without necessarily expecting to find
Expect different value labels for different things. May be water pollution level, waste pounds per
person, pounds of hazardous substance, gallons of hazardous solvents, etc.
DATA By 2006, EPA will define, characterize, and identify the intended use of its environmental
data and document any known limitations of the data for all of its new major analytical products.
Level observed at a particular time and place 2ksp16
Data collected to measure environmental conditions (2ksp.8)
Big part of metrics in lots of places e.g., By 2010, detections of the 15 pesticides most
frequently found in surface water in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1994 National Water Quality
Assessment (NAWQA) data will be reduced by 50 percent. Any new pesticide registered since 1996 found
in USGS 2010 NAWQA data for surface water will have a detection frequency no greater than 30
percent. 2ksp30
...reduce by 20 percent the actual and by 30 percent the production-adjusted quantity of TRI
reported toxic pollutants... 2ksp29
Reducing PBT pollutants is one of EPA's priorities. We will utilize TRI data to measure reductions
and to prioritize further pollution prevention activities to achieve our long-term goals. 2ksp33
EIO=Environmental Issue Observation Monitor to compare before standard to after standard (actually
want to assess risk before and after standard) implementation 2ksp17
...reduce by 20 percent the actual and by 30 percent the production-adjusted quantity of TRI
reported toxic pollutants... 2ksp29
Expect different value labels for different things. May be water pollution level, waste pounds per
person, pounds of hazardous substance, gallons of hazardous solvents, etc.
Entity Category:
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