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Chlorine Fumes
capuchin and howler primates
chlorine gas
The Jefferson Courier
June 30, 2003
Several Monkeys at the Zoo Succumb to `Chlorine Fumes`
(`JEFFERSON`) Five monkeys, comprising the `zoo`'s entire collection of `capuchin and howler primates`, died Sunday night under mysterious circumstances. The monkeys apparently succumbed to `chlorine gas`, which was emitted from several jugs of liquid chlorine when the shed in which the chlorine was stored caught fire.
  Zoo authorities are conducting an internal investigation to determine how several bottles of chlorine bleach, used to clean the animal cages at the zoo, ended up in a shed adjacent to the primate area. The shed is used to store feed for the animals.
  \x{201C}This is just awful. I can't understand how chlorine could even be in that shed,\x{201D} said Paul Le Singe. \x{201C}We do use chlorine to clean out the animal cages, but it is stored way far away. All the cleaning products are.\x{201D}
Toxicology analysis
fire department
The shed apparently burned itself out during the night. When they arrived in the morning, zoo authorities called the `fire department`. The firefighters who responded found the burned chlorine bottles. `Toxicology analysis`, which is expected to confirm that the monkeys died of chlorine gas poisoning, is expected to be completed in a few days.
John Leon  Another question that remains unanswered is why the night watchman, Mr. `John Leon`, did not notice the fire.
  \x{201C}This is just awful. I can't understand how chlorine could even be in that shed.\x{201D}
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