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 Convent, LA 
Daniel Surpoids
June 27, 2003
 rail line 
security department
`Convent, LA` 70723
Security Department
DATE: `June 27, 2003`
TIME: 2:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Near the rail line, along the northwest fence
DESCRIPTION: At approximately 2:30 this afternoon, Mr. `Daniel Surpoids` of the `security department` spotted four males sitting on a low wall, inside the fence and along the `rail line`. Two of them appeared to be writing something, perhaps taking notes, as the rail cars were being moved out of the filling area. These individuals were medium height and weight and had dark hair. Some may have had moustaches, and two appeared to be carrying clipboards. When approached, they fled. Mr. Surpoids reports they were very fast and quickly disappeared from sight.
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